OpcAccessLevel Enum

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Defines the different levels indicating in ways the Value attribute can be accessed (read/write) and if it provides current and/or historic data.


public enum OpcAccessLevel

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnum › OpcAccessLevel

Attributes FlagsAttribute


Name Value Description
None 0 The Value attribute cannot accessed and has no event history.
CurrentRead 1 The current data of the Value attribute is readable.
CurrentWrite 2 The current data of the Value attribute can be written.
CurrentReadOrWrite 3 The current data of the Value attribute can be read or written.
HistoryRead 4 The Value attribute provides readable historic data.
HistoryWrite 8 The historic data of the Value attribute can be written.
HistoryReadOrWrite 12 The historic data of the Value attribute is readable or can be written.
SemanticChange 16 Changes of the Value attribute generate semantic change events.
StatusWrite 32 The status information associated with the data of the Value attribute is writable (see Status).
TimestampWrite 64 The current SourceTimestamp of the data of the Value attribute is writable.