Table of Contents

OpcArgument Members

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll, Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll
The OpcArgument type exposes the following members.



Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name of the argument to define an argument of the type Object.


public OpcArgument(string name)


name String

The name of the argument.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name and dataType of argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name and dataType of argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType, bool isArray)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

isArray Boolean

The value true, if the argument shall be an array; otherwise the value false.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType, Boolean, Object, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataType, defaultValue and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType, bool isArray, object defaultValue, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

isArray Boolean

The value true, if the argument shall be an array; otherwise the value false.

defaultValue Object

The value used in case there is no custom value specified for the argument.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType, Boolean, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataType and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType, bool isArray, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

isArray Boolean

The value true, if the argument shall be an array; otherwise the value false.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType, Object, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataType, defaultValue and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType, object defaultValue, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

defaultValue Object

The value used in case there is no custom value specified for the argument.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataType and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType, UInt32[])

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name and dataType of argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType, params uint[] arrayDimensions)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

arrayDimensions UInt32[]

The length for each dimension of an array value of the argument represented.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType, UInt32[], Object, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataType, defaultValue and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType, uint[] arrayDimensions, object defaultValue, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

arrayDimensions UInt32[]

The length for each dimension of an array value of the argument represented.

defaultValue Object

The value used in case there is no custom value specified for the argument.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.

OpcArgument(String, OpcDataType, UInt32[], String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataType and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcDataType dataType, uint[] arrayDimensions, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataType OpcDataType

One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enum to use to define the DataType and DataTypeId of the argument to define.

arrayDimensions UInt32[]

The length for each dimension of an array value of the argument represented.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name and dataTypeId of argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name and dataTypeId of argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId, bool isArray)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.

isArray Boolean

The value true, if the argument shall be an array; otherwise the value false.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId, Boolean, Object, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataTypeId, defaultValue and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId, bool isArray, object defaultValue, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.

isArray Boolean

The value true, if the argument shall be an array; otherwise the value false.

defaultValue Object

The value used in case there is no custom value specified for the argument.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId, Boolean, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataTypeId and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId, bool isArray, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.

isArray Boolean

The value true, if the argument shall be an array; otherwise the value false.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId, Object, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataTypeId, defaultValue and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId, object defaultValue, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.

defaultValue Object

The value used in case there is no custom value specified for the argument.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataTypeId and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId, UInt32[])

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name and dataTypeId of argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId, params uint[] arrayDimensions)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.

arrayDimensions UInt32[]

The length for each dimension of an array value of the argument represented.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId, UInt32[], Object, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataTypeId, defaultValue and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions, object defaultValue, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.

arrayDimensions UInt32[]

The length for each dimension of an array value of the argument represented.

defaultValue Object

The value used in case there is no custom value specified for the argument.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, OpcNodeId, UInt32[], String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, dataTypeId and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, OpcNodeId dataTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

dataTypeId OpcNodeId

The identifier (DataTypeId) of the DataType to use for the argument to define.

arrayDimensions UInt32[]

The length for each dimension of an array value of the argument represented.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.



The dataTypeId is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, Type)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name and type of argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, Type type)


name String

The name of the argument.

type Type

The Type of argument.



The type is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, Type, Object, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, type, defaultValue and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, Type type, object defaultValue, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

type Type

The Type of argument.

defaultValue Object

The value used in case there is no custom value specified for the argument.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.



The type is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

OpcArgument(String, Type, String)

Initializes a new instance of the OpcArgument class using the name, type and description of the argument to define.


public OpcArgument(string name, Type type, string description)


name String

The name of the argument.

type Type

The Type of argument.

description String

The textual description of the use of the argument.



The type is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).



Gets the length for each dimension of an array value of the argument represented.


public uint[] ArrayDimensions { get; }

Property Value


An empty array in case there the value of the argument represented is a scalar value; otherwise an UInt32 array there each entry indicates a single dimension while the value of the entry defines the length of that dimension.


Gets the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the array value of the argument represented.


public long ArrayLength { get; }

Property Value


The total number of elements in all the dimensions of the array value of the argument represented; zero if there are no elements in the array.


Gets the rank (number of dimensions) of the array value of the argument represented. For example, a one-dimensional array returns 1, a two-dimensional array returns 2, and so on.


public int ArrayRank { get; }

Property Value


The rank (number of dimensions) of the array value of the argument represented.


Gets the underlying built-in data type used by the argument.


public OpcDataType DataType { get; }

Property Value


One of the members defined by the OpcDataType enumeration which defines the data type of the argument.


Gets the node identifier of the data type node identifying the type of argument.


public OpcNodeId DataTypeId { get; }

Property Value


An instance of the OpcNodeId which identifies the data type node representing the type of argument.


Gets the value of the argument that is by default used in case there is no custom value specified for the argument.


public object DefaultValue { get; }

Property Value


The default value used by argument by definition.


Gets the textual description of the use of the argument represented.


public OpcText Description { get; }

Property Value


A string which describes the use of the argument.


Gets the OpcArgumentGlobalization instance used to control the localization and other globalization related tasks for the Description of the current attribute.


public OpcArgumentGlobalization Descriptions { get; }

Property Value


An instance of the OpcArgumentGlobalization class used for the current OpcArgument to perform localization tasks for its Description.


Gets a value indicating whether the value of the argument represented is an array.


public bool IsArray { get; }

Property Value


The value true if the value of the argument represented is an array; otherwise the false.


Gets the name of the argument.


public string Name { get; }

Property Value


A value which identifies the argument using a simple name.


The String used as the name of the argument does not rely on any naming-rules which typically apply to names in programming languages. Therefore it is possible to use whitespaces and special characters as well. There exists no restriction regarding the naming of an argument.



Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the number of elements in the specified dimension of the array value of the argument.


public long GetArrayLength(int dimension)


dimension Int32

A zero-based dimension of the array value whose length needs to be determined.



A 32-bit integer that represents the number of elements in the specified dimension of the array value.



The dimension is less than zero or equals to or greater than ArrayRank.


The value of the argument represented is not an array (see IsArray).


Gets the index of the first element of the specified dimension in the array value of the argument.


public long GetArrayLowerBound(int dimension)


dimension Int32

A zero-based dimension of the array value whose starting index needs to be determined.



The index of the first element of the specified dimension in the array value.



The dimension is less than zero or equals to or greater than ArrayRank.


The value of the argument represented is not an array (see IsArray).


Gets the index of the last element of the specified dimension in the array value of the argument.


public long GetArrayUpperBound(int dimension)


dimension Int32

A zero-based dimension of the array value whose upper bound needs to be determined.



The index of the last element of the specified dimension in the array value, or -1 if the specified dimension is empty.



The dimension is less than zero or equals to or greater than ArrayRank.


The value of the argument represented is not an array (see IsArray).