OpcAttributeWriteAccess Enum

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Defines which attributes are writable.


public enum OpcAttributeWriteAccess : uint

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnum › OpcAttributeWriteAccess

Attributes FlagsAttribute


Name Value Description
None 0U None of the attributes offered are writable.
AccessLevel 1U The AccessLevel is writable.
ArrayDimensions 2U The ArrayDimensions is writable.
BrowseName 4U The BrowseName is writable.
ContainsNoLoops 8U The ContainsNoLoops is writable.
DataType 16U The DataType is writable.
Description 32U The Description is writable.
DisplayName 64U The DisplayName is writable.
EventNotifier 128U The EventNotifier is writable.
Executable 256U The Executable is writable.
IsHistorizing 512U The IsHistorizing is writable.
InverseName 1024U The InverseName is writable.
IsAbstract 2048U The IsAbstract is writable.
MinimumSamplingInterval 4096U The MinimumSamplingInterval is writable.
NodeCategory 8192U The NodeCategory is writable.
NodeId 16384U The NodeId is writable.
Symmetric 32768U The Symmetric is writable.
UserAccessLevel 65536U The UserAccessLevel is writable.
UserExecutable 131072U The UserExecutable is writable.
UserWriteAccess 262144U The UserWriteAccess is writable.
ValueRank 524288U The ValueRank is writable.
WriteAccess 1048576U The WriteAccess is writable.
ValueForVariableType 2097152U The Value is writable.