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OpcCondition Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcConditionNode'.


public class OpcCondition : OpcEvent

Inheritance ObjectOpcEvent › OpcCondition



Name Description
OpcCondition(IOpcReadOnlyNodeDataStore) Initializes a new instance of the OpcCondition class using the dataStore specified.


Name Description
TypeResolve Occurs when the resolution of an event type fails. Use this event to manually provide the Type to use for a specific event type definition identifier.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)


Name Description
BranchId Gets an identifier which identifies the branch to that the event does belong.
ClientUserId Gets an identifier that is related to the Comment and contains the identity of the user who inserted the most recent Comment.
Comment Gets the last comment provided for a certain state (condition branch).
ConditionClassId Gets a value which specifies in which domain this condition is used. It is the OpcNodeId of the corresponding condition class type.
ConditionClassName Gets a value that matches the display name of the condition class type.
ConditionName Gets a value which identifies the condition instance that the event originated from.
DataStore Gets the IOpcReadOnlyNodeDataStore which contains the data of the OpcEvent instance.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
EventId Gets a value generated by the server to uniquely identify a particular event notification.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
EventType Gets the type of event.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
EventTypeId Gets node identifier which describes the specific type of event.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
IsEnabled Gets a value indicating whether the condition is enabled.
IsRetained Gets a value indicating whether the condition is in a state that is interesting for a client wishing to synchronize its state with the server's state.
LastSeverity Gets a value which provides the previous severity of the condition branch.
Message Gets a value which defines a human-readable and localizable text description of the event.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
NodeId Gets the identifier of the node from which this event data snapshot has been created.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
Quality Gets a value which reveals the status of process values or other resources that this condition is based upon.
ReceiveTime Gets the time the OPC UA server received the event from the underlying device of another server.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
Severity Gets an indication of the urgency of the event.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
SourceName Gets a description of the source of the event.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
SourceNodeId Gets the node identifier which identifies the node that the event originated from.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
Time Gets the time the event occurred.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)


Name Description
RegisterType``1 Registers the type defined by T as the OpcEvent type to create in case there an event instance is to be created for the type definition identified by the OpcEventTypeAttribute defined on the T specified.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
RegisterType``1(OpcNodeId) Registers the type defined by T as the OpcEvent type to create in case there an event instance is to be created for the type definition identified by the eventTypeId specified.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
RegisterTypes(Assembly) Registers all non-abstract types in the assembly specified which defines the OpcEventTypeAttribute and inherit from OpcEvent.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
RegisterTypes(IEnumerable) Registers the eventTypes specified as the OpcEvent type to create in case there an event instance is to be created for one of the type definitions identified by the OpcEventTypeAttribute used on one of the eventTypes specified.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
RegisterTypes(Type, Type) Registers the eventType and the further specified eventTypes as the OpcEvent types to create in case there an event instance is to be created for one of the type definitions identified by the OpcEventTypeAttribute used on the eventType or on one of the eventTypes specified.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
UnregisterType``1 Unregisters the previously registered (see RegisterType´´1) type defined by T as the OpcEvent type to not longer create for the type definition identified by the OpcEventTypeAttribute defined on the T specified.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
UnregisterType``1(OpcNodeId) Unregisters the previously registered (see RegisterType´´1(OpcNodeId)) type defined by T as the OpcEvent type to not longer create for the type definition identified by the eventTypeId specified.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
UnregisterTypes(Assembly) Unregisters all previously registered types (see RegisterTypes(Assembly)) in the assembly specified.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
UnregisterTypes(IEnumerable) Unregisters the previously registered (see RegisterTypes(IEnumerable)) eventTypes specified.
(Inherited from OpcEvent)
UnregisterTypes(Type, Type) Unregisters the previously registered eventType and the further specified eventTypes (see RegisterTypes(Type, Type)).
(Inherited from OpcEvent)