OpcDataTypeSystem Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Represents an encoding-based system which is organized in type dictionaries to define type information to use to understand data exchanged via OPC UA using a specific type of encoding.


public abstract class OpcDataTypeSystem : OpcTypeSystem<OpcDataTypeInfo>, IOpcTypeSystem, IOpcTypeProvider

Inheritance ObjectOpcTypeSystem<OpcDataTypeInfo> › OpcDataTypeSystem

Implements IOpcTypeSystem, IOpcTypeProvider


Name Description
Binary Gets the type system used for Binary encoded type information offered by the Client or Server application.
Default Gets the default type system used by the OPC UA stack.
Empty Gets the type system to use if their is no specific type system data available.
EmptyDictionary Gets the type dictionary to use if their is no specific type dictionary data available, but the empty type dictionary shall refer to the current OpcDataTypeSystem.
EncodingType Gets the type of encoding used for the data type dictionaries defined in the current OpcDataTypeSystem.
HasCachedDictionaries Gets a value indicating whether the type system already has determined at least some type dictionaries offered as OpcDataTypeDictionary objects.
HasCachingCompleted Gets a value indicating whether the type system has determined all type dictionaries offered as OpcDataTypeDictionary objects.
Name Gets a value which defines the human-readable name of the type system represented. A node which represents this OpcDataTypeSystem uses the Name as its BrowseName.
NodeId Gets a value which identifies the type system represented. A node which represents this OpcDataTypeSystem uses the NodeId as its NodeId.
Xml Gets the type system used for Xml encoded type information offered by the Client or Server application.


Name Description
GetDictionaries Retrieves all OpcDataTypeDictionary objects offered by the OpcDataTypeSystem.
GetDictionary(OpcName) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeDictionary object which is known under the name specified.
GetDictionary(OpcNamespace) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeDictionary object which is known under the namespace specified.
GetDictionary(OpcNodeId) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeDictionary object which represents the type dictionary which is identified by the nodeId specified.
GetDictionary(String) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeDictionary object which is known under the nameOrNamespace specified.
GetDictionaryCore(OpcName) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeDictionary object which is known under the name specified.
GetDictionaryCore(OpcNamespace) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeDictionary object which is known under the namespace specified.
GetDictionaryCore(OpcNodeId) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeDictionary object which represents the type dictionary which is identified by the nodeId specified.
GetDictionaryCore(String) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeDictionary object which is known under the nameOrNamespace specified.
GetType(OpcEncoding) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which declares the type which is identified by the encoding specified.
GetType(XmlQualifiedName) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which is known under the xmlName specified.
GetTypeCore(OpcEncoding) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which declares the type which is identified by the encoding specified.
GetTypeCore(OpcName) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which is known under the name specified.
GetTypeCore(OpcNodeId) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which declares the type which is identified by the typeId specified.
GetTypeCore(String) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which is known under the name specified.
GetTypeCore(Type) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which declares the type implemented by the underlyingType specified.
GetTypeCore(XmlQualifiedName) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which is known under the xmlName specified.
GetTypesCore Retrieves all OpcDataTypeInfo objects offered by the current OpcDataTypeSystem .
Of(OpcEncodingType) Retrieves the type system used for the encodingType specified which provides encoded type information offered by the Client or Server application.
RetrieveDictionariesCore Retrieves all OpcDataTypeDictionary objects explictly offered by the OpcDataTypeSystem.
RetrieveDictionariesCore(IList) When implemented in a derived class, retrieves all OpcDataTypeDictionary objects on-demand offered by the OpcDataTypeSystem except the already knownDictionaries specified.
ToString Returns a String representing the Name of the current OpcDataTypeSystem.