Opc.UaFx.Services Namespace

The Opc.UaFx.Services namespace defines the following members.



Name Description
IOpcAddNodesService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to add one or more nodes into the address space hierarchy.
IOpcAddReferencesService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to add one or more references to existing nodes in the address space hierarchy.
IOpcDeleteNodesService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to delete one or more nodes from the address space hierarchy.
IOpcDeleteReferencesService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to delete one or more references of existing nodes in the address space hierarchy.
IOpcReadNodesHistoryService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to read historical data of one or more nodes.
IOpcReadNodesService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to read one or more attributes (see OpcAttribute) of one or more nodes.
IOpcRegisterNodesService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to register one or more nodes for optimized node access.
IOpcTranslatePathsService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to translate one or more paths (see OpcRelativePath) to one or more node identifiers.
IOpcUnregisterNodesService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to unregister one or more nodes to not longer optimize their node access.
IOpcWriteNodesService Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to write values to one or more attributes (see OpcAttribute) of one or more nodes.