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IOpcWriteNodesService Interface

Namespace: Opc.UaFx.Services
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Defines a specialized IOpcService´2 which can be used to write values to one or more attributes (see OpcAttribute) of one or more nodes.


public interface IOpcWriteNodesService : IOpcService<OpcWriteNodesResponse, OpcWriteNodesRequest>

Attributes CLSCompliantAttribute

Implements IOpcService<OpcWriteNodesResponse, Invoke>(UaFx.Services)


The values are written to a data source, such as a device. The service does not return until it writes the values or determines that the value cannot be written.

It is possible that the server may successfully write some attributes, but not others. In this case is the client responsible for any rollback operations.


Name Description
MaxNodesPerWrite Gets or sets the maximum number of nodes which shall be written using a single write request. This number indirectly defines the number of requests used to send a specific number of write requests to the server.
TimestampSource Gets or sets the OpcTimestampSource to use to prepare OpcValue timestamp values before sending a write request to a server.
UsedMaxNodesPerWrite Gets the maximum number of nodes which are written using a single write request. This property will use either the MaxNodesPerWrite or the maximum number of nodes which can be written in one request as defined by the server. The lowest number of nodes is used to partition the commands to execute into multiple write requests.
UsedTimestampSource Gets the OpcTimestampSource currently used to prepare OpcValue timestamp values before sending a write request to a server. In case there TimestampSource is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) this property will define the OpcTimestampSource automatically determined during the first write attempt which does write an OpcValue of the Value attribute.


Name Description
WriteNodes(IEnumerable) Writes one or more values to one or more attributes of one or more nodes using the specified commands.
WriteNodes(OpcWriteNode) Writes one or more values to one or more attributes of one or more nodes using the specified commands.