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PlcArray<T, TElement> Class

Namespace: IPS7Lnk.Advanced
Assemblies: IPS7LnkNet.Advanced.dll

Represents an abstract implementation of the IPlcArray´2 interface.


public abstract class PlcArray<T, TElement> : PlcValue<T[]>, IPlcArray<T, TElement>, IPlcValue<T[]>, IPlcArray, IPlcValue, IPlcSymbol, IPlcEntity, IPlcStatusProvider, IPlcRelocatable<IPlcValue>, IPlcRelocatable, ISupportInitialize, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable where TElement : IPlcValue<T>

Inheritance ObjectPlcValue<T> › PlcArray<T, TElement>


Implements IPlcArray<T, t>, IPlcValue<T>, IPlcArray, IPlcValue, IPlcSymbol, IPlcEntity, IPlcStatusProvider, IPlcRelocatable<IPlcValue>, IPlcRelocatable, ISupportInitialize, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable


Name Description
PlcArray`2(PlcArrayType, PlcName, 0) Initializes a new instance of the PlcArray´2 class using the specified type and name.
PlcArray`2(PlcArrayType, 0) Initializes a new instance of the PlcArray´2 class using the specified type.


Name Description
Item(Int32) Gets the element at the specified index.
Length Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of elements within the array.
Value Gets or sets the value assigned to the PLC value.


Name Description
BeginInitCore Signals the PlcArray´2 that initialization is started.
EndInitCore Signals the PlcValue´1 that initialization is completed.
GetElement(Int32) Retrieves the TElement at the specified index.
GetElementCore(Int32) When implemented in a derived class, retrieves the TElement at the specified index.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the array.
GetInstanceValue Retrieves the value assigned to the PLC value.
GetValueCore(PlcDeviceConnection) Retrieves the current value of the PLC value from a IPlcDevice using the connection specified.
SetValueCore(PlcDeviceConnection, 0) Stores the value in the IPlcDevice assigned to the connection specified.
ToString Converts the array to its string representation.