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For communication only the IP address, DSAP, SSAP of the partner is required. RFC1006 uses TCP Port 102 by default. The Library can be uses to provide as Client or/and Server funtionality. Function description in detail Please note: The functions are performed with the standard socket interface, which has the consequence that the function only after the fulfilment of the task returns to the caller. For asynchronous operation call these functions easily from a separate thread on which is responsible for the communication of the system. Server operation To operate as a server note the functions: Rfc1006OpenServer Rfc1006GetStatus Rfc1006StartServer Otherwise the function Rfc1006Rx and Rfc1006Tx can be used for communication. It is advisable to check with Rfc1006GetStatus in a regular interval whether there is a connection and then use only the transmit and receive routines. The following functions are available: Initialisation Rfc1006Open To initialize the connection, there only memory is prepared. On the first call of the read or write functions the TCP/IP connection / RFC 1006 connection is started automatically. (Use only when operating as a client!) Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 Pointer to a “0”-terminated string (C-String, 32-Bit pointer IPAdr IP-Address of the PLC in format: Sample: 2 Pointer to a “0”-terminated string (C-String, 32-Bit pointer SSAP own SAP. It can be used up to 255 characters. 3 32-Bit unsigned value SSAPLen Length of own SAP. A maximum of 255 characters used 4 Pointer to a “0”-terminated string (C-String, 32-Bit Zeiger DSAP 5 32-Bit unsigned value DSAPLen Length of the SAP partner. A maximum of 255 characters used 6 32-Bit unsigned value PortNr Number of TCP/IP ports to be used for this connection. Default is 102. Set to 0 to so is used internally 102 7 32-Bit unsigned value ConnectTimeout Timeout in milliseconds for waiting for connection with the partner. 0 means default = 5000 ms (5 sec.) Must be extended if necessary. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006Open (LPCSTR IPAdr,BYTE *SSAP, DWORD LenSSAP, BYTE *DSAP, DWORD LenDSAP, DWORD Port, DWORD ConnectTimeout); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006Open (IPAdr : PAnsieChar; SSAP : Pointer; LenSSAP : LongWord; DSAP : Pointer; LenDSAP : LongWord; Port LongWord; ConnectTimeout : LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006Open& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" (ByVal IPAdr As String, _ SSAP as Byte, _ ByVal LenSSAP&, _ DSAP As Byte, _ ByVal LenDSAP&, _ ByVal Port&, _ ByVal ConnectTimeout&) Rfc1006OpenServer / Rfc1006OpenExServer Creates a new connection for server operation. The start of the connection is controlled with Rfc1006StartServer or Rfc1006StartExServer. If the server is already running, the new connection will be immediately registered as available. If the desired port is already in use by an other application, there will be returned the value -7 (Socket error occured). Use Rfc1006GetSockErr / Rfc1006GetSockErrString to determine the reason. From version 1.31 “Rfc1006StartExServer” was implemented. Here, the TCP port can be specified for the desired compound. So it is possible to simultaneously receive on different ports connections. (Use only when operating as a server!) Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 Pointer to a “0”-terminated String (C-String, 32-Bit Pointer DstIPAdr IP address of the client, which must establish a connection to the server. Example: “”. Is the string empty like “”, each sender address is accepted 2 Pointer to a “0”-terminated String (C-String, 32-Bit Pointer SSAP own SAP. A maximum of 255 characters used 3 32-Bit unsigned value SSAPLen Length of the own SAP. A maximum of 255 characters used 4 Pointer to a „0“-terminated String (C-String, 32-Bit pointer DSAP SAP des Partners. A maximum of 255 characters used 5 32-Bit unsigned value DSAPLen Length of the SAP from the partner. A maximum of 255 characters used 6 32-Bit unsigned value Port TCP/IP Port (only at Rfc1006OpenExServer) Return value The function returns a 32-bit signed value as a return value with the following meaning: Wert Error description Meaning >= 0 OK The return is the reference number for this connection and must be used for all other functions as an input parameter Ref. -2 No more resources. Reached maximum number of available connections. -15 The desired port is in use. Binding couldn't be established. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006OpenServer (LPCSTR DstIPAdr, BYTE *SSAP, DWORD LenSSAP, BYTE *DSAP, DWORD LenDSAP); long WINAPI Rfc1006OpenExServer (LPCSTR DstIPAdr, BYTE *SSAP, DWORD LenSSAP, BYTE *DSAP, DWORD LenDSAP, DWORD Port); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006OpenServer (DstIPAdr : PAnsiChar; SSAP : Pointer; LenSSAP : LongWord; DSAP : Pointer; LenDSAP : LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; FUNCTION Rfc1006OpenExServer (DstIPAdr : PAnsiChar; SSAP : Pointer; LenSSAP : LongWord; DSAP : Pointer; LenDSAP : LongWord; Port : LongWord)): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006OpenServer& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll"(ByVal DstIPAdr as String, _ SSAP as Byte, _ ByVal LenSSAP&, _ DSAP as Byte, _ ByVal LenDSAP&) Declare Function Rfc1006OpenExServer& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll"(ByVal DstIPAdr as String, _ SSAP as Byte, _ ByVal LenSSAP&, _ DSAP as Byte, _ ByVal LenDSAP&_ ByVal Port&) Rfc1006StartServer (Use only when operating as a server!) Starts the server with the connections applied with Rfc1006OpenServer / Rfc1006OpenExServer. When server is running connections can be dynamically added and removed by calling Rfc1006OpenServer / Rfc1006CloseServer. If the desired port is already in use by another application, value E_RFC1006_SOCKERR (-7) will be returned. Use Rfc1006GetSockErr / Rfc1006GetSockErrString with Ref = -1 to determine the reason. Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit value Port ATTENTION This parameter is internally not used any more. Use Rfc1006OpenExServer instead to specify the port of a connection. 2 Pointer to a “0”-terminated String (C-String, 32-Bit pointer IPBindAdr IP address of the network card where to run the connection. NULL or an empty string allows for the connection to all NICs. 3 32-Bit value MaxCon Maximum number of connections that can maintain the server. Return value The function returns a signed 32-bit value as return value with the following meaning: value Error description Meaning > 0 OK Server is started. -10 Server still running. Rfc1006StartServer already called. -11 Server couldn´t be started Errors occurred when starting the server threads. -15 The desired port is in use. Binding couldn't be established. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006StartServer (int Port, LPCSTR BindIPAdr, int MaxCon); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006StartServer (Port : LongWord; BindIPAdr : PAnsiChar; MaxCon : LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006StartServer& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll"(int Port, _ ByVal BindIPAdr as String, _ int MaxCon) Deinitialisation Rfc1006StopServer Stops the Server. (Use only as Server!) Return value The function returns a 32-bit signed value as a return value with the following meaning: value Error description meaning > 0 OK Server stopped. -12 Server wasn´t started. StartServer was not called. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006StopServer (void); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006StopServer (): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Sub Rfc1006StopServer& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" () Rfc1006Close to initialize the connection, memory is released and the TCP/IP connection is disconnected. Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit unsigned value Ref The connection reference, which was generated with RFC1006 Open. Used for internal identification of the connection. Return value The function returns a 32-bit signed value as a return value with the following meaning: Value Error description Meaning / Reaction 0 OK Memory is released again and connection, if any, closed -3 With the specified reference no RFC1006Open was conducted Did you called Rfc1006Open? -99 The reference number is invalid ———————— C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006Close (long Ref); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006Close (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006Close& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" (ByVal Ref&) Rfc1006CloseAll to initialize the connection, memory is released and the TCP/IP connection is disconnected. C/C++ void WINAPI Rfc1006CloseAll (void); Delphi PROCEDURE Rfc1006CloseAll (); stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Sub Rfc1006CloseAll Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" () Receiving and transmitting Rfc1006Rx / Rfc1006Tx Function Description / Purpose Rfc1006Rx Attempts to receive data via RFC 1006 yet there is no connection to the partner, so we built this earlier (Only in client mode). If the server operating no connection, the function returns immediately with -1. Rfc1006Tx Sends data on RFC 1006 to the partner. yet there is no connection to the partner, so we built this earlier (Only in client mode). If the server operating no connection, the function returns immediately with -1. Call parameters The read and write functions have the same input parameters: Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit unsigned value Ref The reference of the connection, which was generated with RFC1006Open. Used for internal identification of the connection 2 32-Bit Address Buffer The address of the Source or target memory in the PC. 3 32-Bit unsigned Return value Cnt At Rx, the maximum number of data bytes to be received. When Tx Number of sent data bytes. 4 32-Bit signed value Timeout Timeout in ms for sending and receiving 0 = do not wait -1 = wait until everything sent until we receive anything Return value The function returns a 32-bit signed value as a return value with the following meaning: value Error description Reaction >=0 Count of the sent / received Databytes -1 Timeout, desired partners obviously do not or no longer exists deposed Simply more read and write requests, the driver automatically sets up the connection. Possibly the timeouts in particular extend the Connect Timeout. -5 General Errror Check whether the network installed in the PC properly: TCP/IP enabled? Winsocket installed? -6 Partner not found Portnumber in Rfc1006Open is not correct or there is no connection to this port free. Check configuration -7 Socket error occurred Call RFC1006GetSockErr and evaluate errors -13 Not a client connected to the server. Client connect, check any SAP or DSAP. -14 The size of the receive buffer is too small. Enlarge receive buffer -99 Reference invalid Did you called Rfc1006Open? -1234 Demo evaluation time expired Buy the full version or restart C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006Rx (long Ref, void *Buf, DWORD MaxCnt, long RxTimeout); long WINAPI Rfc1006Tx (long Ref, void *Buf, DWORD Cnt, long Timeout); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006Rx (Ref : LongInt; Buf : Pointer; MaxCnt : LongWord; RxTimeout : LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; FUNCTION Rfc1006Tx (Ref : LongInt; Buf : Pointer; Cnt : LongWord; Timeout : LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006Rx& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" (ByVal Ref&, _ Buf as Byte, _ DWORD MaxCnt, _ long RxTimeout) Declare Function Rfc1006Tx& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" (ByVal Ref&, _ Buf as Byte, _ ByVal Cnt&, _ ByVal Timeout&) Connection Rfc1006GetSockErr Returns the last Socket error Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit unsigned value Ref The connection reference, which was generated with RFC1006Open. Used for internal identification of the connection Return value The function returns a 32-bit signed value as a return value with the following meaning: Value Error description Meaning / Reaction 0 OK No error occurred -3 With the specified reference no RFC1006 Open was conducted Have you called Rfc1006Open? -99 Reference number invalid ———————— Other Socket error Explanation see list below C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006GetSockErr (long Ref); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006GetSockErr (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006GetSockErr& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" (ByVal Ref&) Rfc1006GetSockErrString With this function you get the the socket error readable in text form. Aufrufparameter Nr. Memory width Description Function 132-Bit value SockErrSocket error number returned by Rfc1006GetSockErr. 2Pointer to a String (C-String)ErrStr Pointer of C-String, where text is to be stored. 332-Bit unsigned value MaxLenmax length of “ErrStr”. Return vaue returns the pointer to C-String “ErrStr”. C/C++ const char * WINAPI Rfc1006GetSockErrString(long SockErr, LPSTR ErrStr, DWORD MaxLen); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006GetSockErrString (SockErr : LongInt; ErrStr : PAnsiChar; MaxLen LongWord) : PAnsiStr; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006GetSockErrString& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" (ByVal SockErr&, _ ByVal ErrStr As String, _ ByVal MaxLen&) as String Rfc1006GetStatus Returns the status of the connection Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit unsigned value Ref The connection reference, which was generated with RFC1006Open. Used for internal identification of the connection Return value The function returns a 32-bit signed value as a return value with the following meaning: Value Error description Meaning / Reaction 0 Connection does not exist 1 Connection exist -3 With the specified reference no RFC1006Open was called Have you called Rfc1006Open? -99 Reference number invalid ———————— Other Socket error Explanation see list below. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006GetStatus (long Ref); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006GetStatus (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006GetStatus& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll"(ByVal Ref&) Rfc1006Connect Executes the connection to the partner from Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit unsigned value Ref The connection reference, which was generated with RFC1006Open. Used for internal identification of the connection Return value The function returns a 32-bit signed value as a return value with the following meaning: Value Error description Meaning / Reaction 0 Connection couldn´t be established. 1 Connection established. -3With the specified reference no RFC1006Open was called Have you called Rfc1006Open? -99Reference number invalid ———————— Other Socket error Explanation see list below. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006Close (long Ref); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006Connect (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006Connect& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll"(ByVal Ref&) Rfc1006Disconnect Disconnect the connection of the partner. Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit unsigned value Ref The connection reference, which was generated with RFC1006Open. Used for internal identification of the connection Return value The function returns a 32-bit signed value as a return value with the following meaning: value Error description Meaning / Reaction 0 Connection closed. 1 Connection not closed -3 With the specified reference no RFC1006Open was called Have you called Rfc1006Open? -99 Reference number invalid ———————— Other Socket error Explanation see list below. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006Disconnect (long Ref); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006Disconnect (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006Disconnect& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll"(ByVal Ref&) Rfc1006SetFastAck Activates/deactivates FastAcknowlege answer, default: deactivated Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit unsigned value RefThe connection reference, which was generated with RFC1006Open. Used for internal identification of the connection 2 32-Bit unsigned value Mode1 = on 0 = off C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006SetFastAck (long Ref, DWORD Mode); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006SetFastAck (Ref : LongInt; Mode : LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006SetFastAck& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" (ByVal Ref&, _ ByVal Mode&) Rfc1006SetKeepAlive Set custom TCP / IP keepalive time for the connection specified with Ref. Must be used only if the standard value not to apply. You should perform this function immediately after the “open” call. Call parameters Nr Data type Data type (PHP) Name Function 1 32-Bit value unsigned long Ref The connection reference, which was generated with RFC1006Open. Used for internal identification of the connection 2 32-Bit value unsigned long AliveTime When there is no traffic on the TCP/IP connection within the time “Alive Time” (ms) instead, as a keep-alive message is sent to check the connection. If an error is found during this check, the IP stack sends a next keepalive message within the time “AliveInterval” (ms). This is several times repeated within the time AliveInterval (in Windows 6 times). The process was not successful, the connection is terminated. 3 32-Bit value unsigned long AliveInterval The interval in ms, in which keepalive messages repeatedly. This is active when a sending / receiving a keepalive telegram has occurred. Return value The Function IPS7SetKeepAlive returns a 32-Bit signed value as return value with following meaning: value Error description 0 Put of the values was successful. < 0 Setting the Keep Alive time could not be executed. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006SetKeepAlive (long Ref, DWORD AliveInterval, DWORD AliveTime); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006SetKeepAlive (Ref : LongInt; AliveInterval : LongWord; AliveTime : LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006SetKeepAlive& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll"(ByVal Ref&, _ ByVal AliveInterval&, _ ByVal AliveTime&) Rfc1006TxUnlocked Rfc1006TxUnlockedsends data to the partner without the connection data to entice. This feature can be found at MultiThreading application when a receive-thread the connection just blocked. CAUTION! The caller must ensure that during the execution of the object remains open with the specified reference! The function and return values as Rfc1006Tx C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006TxUnlocked (long Ref, void *Buf, DWORD Cnt, long Timeout); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006TxUnlocked (Ref : LongInt; Buf : PChar; Cnt : LongWord; Timeout : LongWordt): LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006TxUnlocked& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll"(ByVal Ref&, _ void *Buf, _ ByVal Cnt&, _ ByVal Timeout&) Rfc1006PacketInQ Rfc1006PacketInQ returns, if a receive packet is in the receive queue. Call parameters Nr. Memory width Description Function 1 32-Bit unsigned value Ref The connection reference, which was generated with RFC1006Open. Used for internal identification of the connection Return value A return value > 0 means, it is at least prepared a packet for the selected connection for pickup. Call Rfc1006Rx. C/C++ long WINAPI Rfc1006PacketInQ (long Ref); Delphi FUNCTION Rfc1006PacketInQ (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; stdcall; external 'Rfc1006Lib.dll'; VB Declare Function Rfc1006PacketInQ& Lib "Rfc1006Lib.dll" (ByVal Ref&) Socket error This list is not exhaustive Name Code meaning WSAEINTR 10004 Call cancelled WSAEBADF 10009 WSAEACCES 10013 access error WSAEFAULT 10014 Parameters are wrong WSAEINVAL 10022 - Other function must first be called - Socket is already bound to address - Socket is not bound by address or already connected WSAEMFILE 10024 Lack of resources (files, queues) WSAEWOULDBLOCK 10035 Call would block WSAEINPROGRESS 10036 Parallel Views not allowed WSAEALREADY 10037 Terminated routine nevertheless already finished WSAENOTSOCK 10038 No valid socket specified WSAEDESTADDRREQ 10039 Destination address required WSAEMSGSIZE 10040 Datagram too large, was cut WSAEPROTOTYPE 10041 WSAENOPROTOOPT 10042 Unknown socket option WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT 10043 Protocol not supported WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT 10044 Socket type is not supported in the specified address family WSAEOPNOTSUPP 10045 This socket type is not supported WSAEPFNOSUPPORT 10046 Protocol family not supported WSAEAFNOSUPPORT 10047 Address family is not supported WSAEADDRINUSE 10048 IP-Address or Port already used WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL 10049 Port/Address not available WSAENETDOWN 10050 Network does not respond WSAENETUNREACH 10051 Network can not be reached WSAENETRESET 10052 Connection through TCP/IP reset WSAECONNABORTED 10053 Connection through TCP/IP cancelled WSAECONNRESET 10054 Partner has reset connection WSAENOBUFS 10055 Lack of resources (internal buffer) WSAEISCONN 10056 Socket is already connected WSAENOTCONN 10057 Socket is not connected WSAESHUTDOWN 10058 Other side has unilaterally terminated compound WSAETOOMANYREFS 10059 WSAETIMEDOUT 10060 Call takes too long, so cancelled WSAECONNREFUSED 10061 Callee wants no connection WSAELOOP 10062 WSAENAMETOOLONG 10063 WSAEHOSTDOWN 10064 WSAEHOSTUNREACH 10065 Host not reachable WSAENOTEMPTY 10066 WSAEPROCLIM 10067 WSAEUSERS 10068 WSAEDQUOT 10069 WSAESTALE 10070 WSAEREMOTE 10071 WSASYSNOTREADY 10091 Not ready for network communication WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED 10092 Desired Winsock version is not supported WSANOTINITIALISED 10093 Socket.Initialize must be called WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND 11001 DNS-Server couldn´t be found WSATRY_AGAIN 11002 Not found searched PC WSANO_RECOVERY 11003 Unrecoverable error WSANO_DATA 11004 No name data available WSANO_ADDRESS 11004 Version History V 1.45 26.9.2019 KeepAlive wurde bei Linux nicht richtig behandelt, Linux kann die Zeit nur in Sekunden angeben, Windows in ms nun werden die angegebenen Zeiten in Sekunden (/1000) umgerechnet KeepAlive in Demoprogramm eingebaut Unterbrechungserkennung wurde verbessert V 1.44 23.9.2019 die Anzahl der möglichen Serververbindungen wurde auf 256 gesetzt V 1.43 11.4.2019 V 1.42 10.04.2019 Stabilitätsverbesserung unter Linux durch Umstellung des Taskmanagements auf pthreads Kompatibilität zu Linux Kernel 2.4 in separatem Deployment Neue Funktionen um Version der Library abzufragen V 1.41 31.10.2018 Beim gleichzeitigen Betrieb von Server und Client wurde in der Version 1.41 der Server nicht gestartet V 1.40 23.10.2018 Server: Wenn auf den Server TCP/IP Port bereits ein Binding z.B. durch ein anderes Program bestand, erfolgte keine Rückmeldung Rfc1006StartServer meldet in diesem Fall nun RFC1006_BINDING_SERVER_PORT = -15 Server: SO_REUSEADDR ist jetzt auf “false” gesetzt Rfc1006GetSockErrString implementiert V 1.39 12.4.18 Tx Funktion thread safe gemacht V 1.38 5.10.17 FastAck von 1.37 rückgängig gemacht, nun wieder nach jedem Empfang eines jeden Fragments Siemens SPS mit kleiner PDU-Size bekamen beim senden grosser Pakete Timeoutprobleme Linux: fixed: undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail_local' , mit -fno-stack-protector compiliert V 1.37 20.9.17 wenn FastAck aktiv war, wurde diese nach Empgfanges eines jeden Fragmentes gesendet, nun erst nach Empfang des letzen Fragments Rfc1006Rx: für Timeout -1 funktioniert bei Windows nicht richtig. Windows kommt sofort zurück, mit Workaround behoben. Linux ist mit -fPIC kompiliert, so ist rfc1006lib.o mit “Position independent Code” Demo für Linux implementiert Demo expired Code ist nun -1234 (vorher 0x1234) V 1.36 Linux: Lock Mechanismus mit pthreads implementiert Linux: Änderungen seit V 1.31 nachgezogen V 1.35 internal Version V 1.34 - 25.5.17 Bug: V 1.33 wenn bei Rfc1006Rx in der Timeoutzeit kein Paket empfangen werden konnte, wurde die Verbindung immer geschlossen BugFix: wenn bei Rfc1006Rx in der Timeoutzeit ein Fragment nicht komplett empfangen werden kann, wird die Verbindung geschlossen V 1.33 - 17.5.17 wenn fragmentierte Packet mit einem Zeitversatz > Timeout beim Rx emfangen werden sollten, wurde nur das letzte Fragment empfangen der RxTimeout bei Rfc1006Rx ist die Zeit die gewartet wird für den Empfang eines Fragmentes Empfehlung: Rfc1006PacketInQ() aufrufen, wenn ein Paket vorhanden, mit entsprechendem RxTimeout Rfc1006Rx aufrufen if (Rfc1006PacketInQ (m_Ref)) { Rfc1006Rx (m_Ref, m_RxData), sizeof (m_RxData) - 1, RxTimeout); } tritt während des Empfangs von fragmentierten Daten ein Timeout auf, so wird nun die Verbindung geschlossen. Und es wird -1 (Timeout) als Fehler zurück gegeben V 1.32 - 24.6.15 Connect von Client und Server des selben Processes (Localhost/selbe Maschine) ging nicht paralleles ausführen von “StartServer” hatte DeadLock-Problem V 1.31 - 28.5.15 Rfc1006OpenExServer implementiert Der Server kann nun auf veschiedenen Ports verbunden werden Anzahl maximale Verbindungen auf 64 erhöht (vorher 32) V 1.30 - 18.12.14 Aufruf von SetKeepAlive nach Rfc1006Close führte zum Returnwert -7 V 1.29 - 22.8.14 Verbindungsabbrucherkennung verbessert V 1.28 - 6.8.14 Im Serverbetrieb kam es bei geöffneten Verbindungen zur Verzögerung des Connection Request, wenn auf geöffnete Verbindung ein Rx mit langen Timeout lief V 1.27 - 28.11.12 TCP/IP NO_DELAY gesetzt V 1.26 - 24.9.12 (intern) IsIPConnected überarbeitet, es wurde nicht immer der korrekte Status zurückgegeben Default Port bei Angabe Port 0 auf 102 korrigiert Anzahl maximaler Verbindungen auf 256 erhöht Rfc1006PacketInQ (long Ref) implementiert prüft, ob ein Paket zum Empfang bereit ist Verwendung: if (Rfc1006PacketInQ (Ref)) { Rfc1006Rx (mit entsprechendem Timeout) } nach Aufruf von Rfc1006Connect und Rfc1006GetStatus kann bei Rückgabe false zusätzlich Rfc1006GetSockErr (Ref) aufgerufen werden, um den Grund auf Socketebene zu ermitteln V 1.25 - 12.9.12 RxRFC1006 mit Timeout 0 wartete länger als 0 ms nun behoben V 1.24 Rfc1006GetStatus lieferte nicht immer den richtigen Connectstatus V 1.23 - 5.12.11 PDU-Size auf mindestens 128 Byte abgebprüft V 1.22 - 28.7.11 FastAck mit Funktion Rfc1006SetFastAck einstellbar grundsätzlich aus V 1.21 - 11.7.11 FastAck eingebaut V 1.20 - 28.6.11 Max PDUSize auf 8 K gesetzt V 1.19 Rfc1006TxUnlocked eingefügt V 1.18 - 16.5.11 SetKeepAlive eingefügt GetStatus intern, den echten Status der Verbindung geprüft Table of Contents Operation System Programming Languages Requirements Hardware Installation Windows Linux Operation Function description in detail Server operation Initialisation Rfc1006Open Rfc1006OpenServer / Rfc1006OpenExServer Rfc1006StartServer Deinitialisation Rfc1006StopServer Rfc1006Close Rfc1006CloseAll Receiving and transmitting Rfc1006Rx / Rfc1006Tx Connection Rfc1006GetSockErr Rfc1006GetSockErrString Rfc1006GetStatus Rfc1006Connect Rfc1006Disconnect Rfc1006SetFastAck Rfc1006SetKeepAlive Rfc1006TxUnlocked Rfc1006PacketInQ Socket error Version History