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These records can be e.g.: production data disturbances recipes process data multiple records in the PLC memory stack (data array) Features of the Editions Feature Standard Advanced Expert Evaluation Trigger-based logfile creation x x x Stack Memory-orientated data logging x x x Ring Memory-orientated data logging x x Command Line Interface for data logging x x x System service integration for data logging x x x x Maximum number of channels 4 16 256 256 Maximum number of records displayed 500 500 500 100 Maximum number of records logged per trigger event 1 32767 32767 1 Maximum number of triggers 2 4 8 8 Interval triggers x x x x Value Change triggers x x x x Boolean triggers x x x Conditional / Edge triggers x x x Maximum number of variables 100 500 1000 1000 Supported logfile formats CSV CSV, XML CSV, XML CSV, XML Application Range of the S7-FileLogger logging fault diagnosis archiving back-up real-time data logging (by FIFO in the PLC) Record Storage Data format The records are stored as CSV or XML files. For each entry a time stamp can be included. This way it is possible to re-use the data with Excel, Access and other programs at any time. The following picture shows how to get an Excel file out of defined variables and the record . Location / File Name The directory and file name can be freely specified by the user. The following items can be included in generating the file name: date time channel name Triggers The storage operation of a record is triggered by a triggering event. S7-FileLogger provides the following trigger types: manual trigger iime-based / interval trigger state-level trigger value change trigger conditional / edge trigger The user can define these triggers to his needs. By that, time and condition of the logging process are determined. The trigger can be interconnected with each other, meaning a trigger can influence the start / stop behavior of another trigger. The interval time should at least be half the time the value is held in the PLC. This way you assure that the trigger can determine the changed data reliably. Start Options Starting the logging process can be approached in the following ways: manually, by pressing a button automatically at the startup through a logging cycle by starting the logger via the command line (e.g. Windows batch file) Requirements Connection to the PLC The connection to the S7 happens via TCP/IP. There is no need for special configuration of the PLC. S7-FileLogger can connect to any reachable S7 PLC in the network. You need: the IP address, the slot , the rack of the PLC the address of the desired variables (e.g. DB10.DBB20) Supported Operating Systems Windows 11 10 8 7 Vista Windows Server 2025 2022 2019 2016 2012 R2 2012 2008 R2 2008 with .NET Framework min. 4.6 Installation Delivery takes place either via email or download. You will receive a zip package. Also included in the delivery of a license is a license file. This is a text file that contains the license key. It includes the encrypted licensee, the license type and the license period. A particular installation process is not necessary. Unzip the downloaded zip package to the desired destination directory. Start S7FileLogger.exe and, if necessary, enter your license code from the license file (copy / paste). You can also enter the license using the “Licenser.exe” tool (included in the package. Use USB Dongle The License key is also available as a USB-Dongle. We use the products from MARX Software Security. To use the Dongles you have to do following steps: minimum .NET Framework 4.6 (check version / install) install MARX "CBIOS Server Windows" as a service" plug in the Dongle only when using S7-FileLogger: install S7-FileLogger for Dongle start the program Under you will find the license informations Since 12/2015 the Licensekey is also available as a USB-Dongle. We use the products from MARX Software Security. To use the Dongles you have to do following steps: .Net Framework V 4.6 (check version / install) install MARX “CBIOS Server Windows” as a service plug in the Dongle start our software Under you will find the license informations Uninstall You can remove the S7-FileLogger at any time. To do this, simply delete the directory created from the ZIP package. Do not forget to save your recorded data beforehand. The First Start After the first start you will receive the following message: This dialog tells you that at the moment the installed version of S7-FileLogger is running with an evaluation license, which will expire after 14 days. After this period, the application can be used exclusively after acquiring a valid license key. This message will appear until you enter a valid license key. Enter the license key in the license dialog. You can find the license dialog in the upper right corner of the toolbar of the main window. The license key is checked on validity during entry. The result of the check can be seen on the right next to the text box. invalid, valid. If the key is valid, you can adopt it by clicking OK. S7-FileLogger starts very slowlyEver software released by us contains a digital signature.. If your computer cannot connect to the internet in order to check the signature, the application only starts after the timeout expiration. In order for the application to start faster, you can deactivate the function “Check for signatures on downloaded programs” under Control Panel → Internet Options → Advanced and there under Security. General The S7-FileLogger works according to the function patterns of a wizard and follows a simple principle: Each configuration page in the main window is arranged in descending order of priority from left to right. The first page prodivdes the obligatorily necessary settings whereupon the following pages provide less and less important settings. Logging is not yet performed at this stage. Records are not recognized by the system until you click Start. Up to this command the S7-FileLogger only summarizes those settings to be considered at the logging, that are changeable or discardeable at any point up until the confirmation. This easy use is taken for granted in the entire manual. It is mostly not explicitly mentioned in the description of the processes that you have to open the next configuration page by clicking on the appropriate tabt. Toolbar The toolbar icons are all also accessible via keyboard shortcuts. You can see in the short description appearing when hovering the mouse over the buttons what keyboard shortcuts to use in order to trigger the buttons. The status bar provides the current state of the application at all times. Other Functions Simulation mode Logging can also start in simulated mode. It offers the possibility to check and, if necessary, correct the output to the desired format, based on the changes made by test data generated by the S7-FileLogger. File organization The dynamic as well as automatic assignment of the target directory, the subdirectory and also the file name during logging assists your application-oriented storage of log data. Data integrity The incremental logging (append data) ensures even after repeated logging runs, that the same file is always used as the data target while a parallel “read along” the written data is ensured and even with complex documents the integrity of the log files is maintained. Data types system The context-sensitive data types system of the S7-FileLogger is supporting you in configuring the variables. This way, for example, an unwanted wrong addressing of a data block at the change of the output data type can be prevented. The appropriate output format is automatically pre-assigned to selected data types. The Main Application Window After starting the application, the main application window is the first window that will open (except from the dialog that appears when using an evaluation license). The middle part of the main window can be divided furthermore into a left and a right part. In the left part the overall management of channels configured in the project takes place, wheras in the right part the actual configuration and monitoring of logging of a single channel is done. While working with S7-FileLogger, the main window is the primary and only dialogue with which you can configure and monitor the logging. In the upper part of the main window is the toolbar, which provides direct access to key functions. The toolbar is divided into the following buttons and their tools: "New Project" Creates a new project "Open Project" Load an existing project or open one from the list of “Recent projects” by clicking on the arrow to the right of the icon. "Save Project" Save Project . If it is a new project the target directory and name of the project file will be requested. Otherwise, the currently open project will be overwritten. "Save Project As ..." Save a project under a different name. "Start" Run the logging for all configured channels synchronously. As soon as at least one channel has been created the button will be available. Using the arrow to the right of the symbol, the loggin mode can be selected in which the logging shall take place in. Available modes: * Standard mode (PLC based logging) = direct click on the button * Simulation mode (logging is simulated without establishing a real connection to PLC) "Stop" Stop all created channels synchronously. Once logging is active for at least one channel, this button will be available. "License" Opens the license dialog for entering the license data and displaying the license info "About" “About” dialog provides general information about the software and your license The middle part of the main window can be divided furthermore into a left and a right part. The left part is for the overall management of configured channels while in the right part the actual configuration and monitoring of logging of each channel takes place. Channel Configuration and Channel Monitoring The combined overview of configuring and monitoring a channel summarizes all necessary information and groups it logically into tabs. This way the navigation between the different areas of the configuration and monitoring of the channel is possible . The tabs Connection Variables / Columns Logging refer to the configuration section of the selected channel. The tabs Records Events show all necessary information about the current logging run. The Channel Management The channel management provides all features for managing the channels. These include : Creating and deleting a channel Controlling the logging Monitoring the channel state Also you will get information on: Error conditions a brief preview of the main communication data of the channel The toolbar used in this view consists of the following buttons: "Add Channel" Create a new channel "Channel Remove " irreversible deletion of the channel For each channel there is an entry in the administration list over which further channel-context based actions are executed. This display has the following elements : 1. Status LED, current status of the channel Color Description Logging is not active, the last active logging was flawless An error was detected during communication. The type of error is displayed when pointing to the LED with the mouse Logging is flawlessly active simulated logging active 2. IP address of the connection 3. channel name 4. manual trigger Makes it possible during the active and inactive logging to create a “snapshot” record regardless of trigger conditions if a manual trigger is configured 5. Logging start / stop Explicitly start / stop logging for this channel depending on the state of the icon (green arrow starts, red square stops) 6. Start logging as … Select specific logging mode under which the logging shall be started. (PLC based or simulation) Channel configuration The tabs are arranged in logical order. When configuring a new channel you should work from left to right. Each tab provides the recommended default settings by itself. Connection In the right area the primary configuration of the channel occurs. Field Function Name Name of the channel IP address IP address of the PLC Rack number of the rack where the PLC (S7) is plugged Slot Number of the slot in which the PLC (S7) is plugged Device Type Type of PLC (S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-300/400, LOGO!, S7-200) Channel Type Type of connection channel (OP, PG or other) InformationYou will receive an error when pushing the test button in a LOGO! controller because the LOGO! does not support this function. Connection parameters: Rack = 0 Slot = 0 After a new channel has been created in the channel management, continue the configuration of the channel directly in the tab “Connection”. This tab is divided into “channel” and “timeout” . The values set in the area timeout are used to establish the connection to the PLC and during communication. Field function Connect timeout in ms for connecting Transmit timeout in ms for sending to the PLC Receive timeout in ms for receiving data from the PLC Break Detection KeepAlive time for monitoring the TCP/IP connection (interesting for large intervals) Before you proceed to the next area, you already have the opportunity to let your configuration be checked by clicking Test. On successful completion you will receive all data provided by the device in the righthand part of the view. Variables / Columns / Data Here you set the definition of the variables in the PLC, including addresses. You define one variable per line that is part of the record to be archived or logged. A “variable line” corresponds to a column in the logging. Meaning of the columns Write the value Don't write the value Name Name = of a variable = Name for a column header for logging, e.g. in CSV Data Type see list Permitted operands Length Size of the data to be read; at Byte or String: Length of the data to be read. If a value is set to other types, an array of the type will be read. As you see in the example Motors Conveyor Belt a Bool array with the length of 10 is read. Output in file: Variablename_ArrayIndex, e.g. motors_0;motors_1;… Address Address of the PLC variable in the syntax. The format behaves as shown in the following table for SIMATIC S7 Format Defines the desired output format Create an Array You can´t create Byte and String variables as an array. If you insert a length in all other types an array will be generated. Sample: For each charge the condition of the engine 10.5 and the 4 states of the engines of the conveyor belt shall be logged. Save adresses: Name save adress Length Charge DB1000.DBB 0 15 Engine 10.5 DB1000.DBX 20.0 1 states of the engines of the conveyor belt (short ST) DB1000.DBX 30.0 - DB1000.DBX 30.3 4 Possible solutions: add all variables manually add a bit-array with the length of 4 Solution by means of an array: Hint: In the variable definition the next value span will be automatically calculated with the help of the data entered before (marked entry in view variable definition). Permitted operands Operand Name Abbreviation (Siemens, DE) Abbreviation(IEC) Input E I Output A Q Flag M M Peripherals P P Counter Z C Data Block DB DB Timer T 16 Data types Name Abbreviation Bit size Range Description Array BOOL X 1 0 to 1 single bit representing true (1) or false (0) x BYTE B 8 0 to 255 unsigned 8-bit x WORD W 16 0 to 65.535 unsigned 16-bit (Word) x DWORD D 32 0 to 232 -1 unsigned 32-bit (Double Word) x CHAR B 8 A+00 to A+ff ASCII-Code unsigned 8-bit character x INT W 16 -32.768 to 32.767 signed 16-bit integer x DINT D 32 -231 to 231-1 signed 32-bit integer (Double Word) x REAL D 32 +-1.5e-45 to +-3.4e38 IEEE754 32-bit single precision floating point number x S5TIME W 16 00.00:00:00.100 to 00.02:46:30.000 binary coded decimal (BCD) number representing a time span TIME D 32 00.00:00:00.000 to 24.20:31:23.647 signed 16-bit integer representing a time span in milliseconds TIME_OF_DAY D 32 00.00:00:00.000 to 00.23:59:59.999 unsigned 16-bit integer representing a time span in milliseconds DATE W 16 01.01.1990 to 31.12.2168 unsigned 16-bit integer representing a date in days DATE_AND_TIME D 64 00:00:00.000 01.01.1990 to 23:59:59.999 31.12.2089 binary coded decimal (BCD) number representing a date and time S7String B any A+00 to A+ff ASCII-Code, max. 254 Bytes The variables are composed of operand and data type. Examples: Examples Data type Example Siemens Example IEC Input Byte 1, Bit 0 BOOL E 1.0 I 1.0 Output Byte 1, Bit 7 BOOL A 1.7 Q 1.7 Flag Byte 10, Bit 1 BOOL M 10.1 M 10.1 Data Block 1, Byte 1, Bit 0 BOOL DB1.DBX 1.0 DB1.DBX 1.0 Input Byte 1 BYTE EB 1 IB 1 Output Byte 10 BYTE AB 10 QB 10 Flag Byte 100 BYTE MB 100 MB 100 Peripherals Input Byte 0 BYTE PEB 0 PIB 0 Peripherals Output Byte 1 BYTE PAB 1 PQB 1 Data Block 1, Byte 1 BYTE DB1.DBB 1 DB1.DBB 1 Data Block 1, Data Block 1 Typ bool, Address 1.0 → DB1.DBX 1.0 Data Block 1, Data Block Typ Byte, Address 1 → DB1.DBB 1 Peripherals Input, Typ DWORD, Address 0 → PED 0 Help: DB#.DBB # = Data Block#.Data Block Byte # DB#.DBW # = Data Block#.Data Block Word # DB#.DBD # = Data Block#.Data Block Doubleword # # = Address The Editor supports you with the entry: When pressing the ENTER key the name entered will be copied and an incremented number is appended the next possible address will be registered on the basis of the previously entered address the previous format will be taken on After selecting the data type (after a click in another column), the corresponding address format is automatically set, for example: Type address format bool DB100.DBX 0.0 Bool , True / False word DB100.DBW 0 Dec, ufixed Addresses Editor The addresses editor appears when you press the “…” button next to the address input. The editor is useful if you are unfamiliar with the addressing of a variable by Siemens S7 or IEC format. type Description Title preview of the address of the variable Operands ID data area of the PLC DB number data block number DB Operand type - just the heading - Byte Index byte address Bit Index Bit number Take data X Discard input Format Editor In the Format Editor you set the output format of the variable. Type options Dez Choice between fixed point, floating point and scientific values Bool any value for the display is enterable The date and / or time You cen enter the default system placeholders as follows: day (dd) month (MM) year (yyyy) hours (HH) minutes (mm) seconds (ss) \ \ You define the length of each number by the number of characters used. Bin and Hex to be defined using an appropriate selection. Since V2.0.10.0 output HEX with prefix 0x possible Title small preview of the output Confirm selection X Discard selection. Logging This configuration page provides further options on how the S7-FileLogger shall proceed the logging. Location Directory Category Description Directory: destination directory where the log data shall stored by the S7-FileLogger Subdirectory: Optional: Creates a subdirectory in the root directory in dependance to a predefined name format or a custom name LinkLabel: Preview of the destination file directory. The directory will be opened when clicked. File Filename: ways of generating *dynamic *custom formatting Keywords: {ChannelName} {Year} {Month} {Day} {Hour} {Minute} {Second} {DateTime} = Date and Time {Hour=HH} = 24 hour format {Hour=hh} = 12 hour format {Month=MMM} = short form of the month e.g. Nov After the = all data is valid that is shown in the tooltip ( see section “Implement Timestamp”) Combine data name at: every logging start every logging Format: output file format (CSV, XML … ) LinkLabel Preview destination directory and file name. If the file exists it will be opend when clicked. Data Management General Behavior: How and when is data written? Mode Description Append new entries Records are appended to the existing file Truncate old entries on start The log file is emptied at each protocol start (deleted and recreated) Truncate onld entries on write The log file is deleted at each protocol process, then newly created and the current record and the log file are written. Only one protocol cycle is stored in the log file Autostart on startup Automatic start of the channel when starting the application When used as a service, only channels with active auto start are used! Options: additional options of the S7-FileLogger. Version Option Description from Advanced Close log file after each write operation Closes the file after each write operation. This is helpful in long interval timings, if the file is in the meantime e.g. to be read / copied / cut out Do not write header in CSV file Deactivates the writing of the header when starting a new file from Standard Timestamp Embed: If enabled, a timestamp is added by default at the beginning of each record Tooltip for time logging: Take the mouse over the icon. Thereafter, the possible date / time formats appear as depicted below Event logging: the maximum count of entries in the *.err-file. Acknowledgement: Add an acknowledgement when logging was successful Category Description Use Acknowledgement via Bit address in the PLC Type Set Flag: value 1 Delete Flag: value 0 Toggle Flag: value 1 is read and inverted Data Set reading pattern of data management. Structured Data Management If this option is selected, all configured variables are read each time one of the configured triggers is raised, while the values of the acquired record are always read by the same addresses. Stack and Ring-oriented Data Management These types of data management support setting number of records (per read operation). The data is stored consecutively in memory or in the PLC following an equal pattern and the S7-FileLogger reads this scheme using the defined variables. Explanation to Byte Offset: The chart shows what and how much is read when the option Number of records is set to the value two and also the option data byte offset is set to the value 8. Once you make use of the data byte offset setting you exhaust the full potential of these two options. The S7-FileLogger allows you to read 1-n records that are, for example, stored consecutively in the PLC memory. The best part is that this function is not limited to one data area, but is also applicable to several different data areas. The example shown here consists of three variables with two variables addressing a data block and one variable addressing a flag. Through the settings of the option “number of records (per read operation)” the S7-FileLogger here reads, as just described, two records per read operation. In this case , however, by setting the “data byte offset”, the S7-FileLogger is always adding eight bytes (“data byte offset” = 8), conjecturing from the previously read record, and uses this offset to read the next value from the PLC. Thus, you are able to read a stack or a ring of same-structured data from your PLC with a single transaction without being forced to configure all variables again or even devide a single record in its components afterwards. Stack Settings Description Number of records per read operation Number of records to be read (defined variables are start addresses) Manual data byte offset 0 = always read the same address ranges > 0 = buffer between the records or possibly unneeded byte values between the records. If this option is not selected, the maximum defined address variable is used the operand type adds this value. Example: maximum address variable DB1.DBB 10 second read operation start address DB1.DBB 21 this is true for each defined operand type Each trigger raises logging. Ring Settings Description Number of records maximum number of records in the defined buffer to be read (defined variables are start addresses) Manual data byte offset 0 = always read the same address ranges > 0 = buffer between the records or possibly unneeded byte values between the records. Triggers are not relevant here. Data is read cyclically if the value of the end pointer is not equal to value of the start pointer. Functionality: After a record has been read, the S7-FileLogger sets the value of the start pointer to the position of the last record read. In return, the PLC must always make the end pointer show to the position of the record to be written next, while the values of all records collected from different addresses, beginning with the start address of the defined variables, are read. The addresses of all further records are thereby detected either automatically or by the defined manual data byte offset. The principle of this data storage is also referred to as a FIFO (First-In-First-Out). Trigger The rider Trigger itself is divided into an overview of the defined triggers and the configuration of a trigger selected in the overview. Overview of Triggers Button Description Add Define new trigger Remove Delete selected trigger Checkbox next to Name set : is used for logging Symbol description Indicates when the trigger is started Indicates when the trigger is stopped Click on Trigger Settings of the trigger are shown Settings of the Trigger The following basic functions are given for all triggers: Setting Description Controls logging creates a record is , for example, used to control other triggers Controls the creation of the log file Through this trigger the generating of a new output file is enforced. If the same names exist they are numbered e.g.: file name: Extruder1200 date format: {Year}.{Month}.{Day} current file name: Extruder1200_2016.11.02.csv next file name: Extruder1200_2016.11.02 (1).csv Hint: If active, data logging occurs only after the trigger has been raised. Starts : Time of activation of the trigger. Here all defined triggers are displayed Runs : running time of the trigger, adjustable in milliseconds Runs max: running time of the trigger, adjustable in the number of runs. After activtion of the trigger it will be executed n-times Stops : Time upon which the trigger becomes invalid. Here all defined triggers are displayed Type: type of trigger Interval: time interval in which trigger conditions are checked It is possible to link triggers with each other. Thus, a trigger can raise another, even if it is not currently active, e.g. because the term has expired. The stop trigger immediately terminates the currently running trigger even if it is still valid. Trigger options Manual trigger Interval trigger Conditional / edge trigger Value change trigger Boolean trigger Manual Trigger By clicking on the flash the trigger for the selected channel is raised. Interval Trigger Cyclic triggering according to a set interval. Conditional / Edge Trigger Cyclically checks the value at the address set according to a set interval and starts logging when the value becomes either equal to, greater, greater or equal, less than, less or equal. Since V2.0.10.0: Option “not” added. Trigger raises when the negative result of the condition(s) is TRUE (see examples). Logging is triggered once each time at the transition to the defined area (edge treatment). Samples: Trigger shall be raised when the value at the address DB1.DBD 30 becomes higher than or equal to 100 and lower than or equal to 200. Configuration: Behavior: Old value New value Trigger state 99 100 triggered 100 180 not triggered 300 180 triggered Trigger shall not be triggered if the value at the address DB1.DBD 30 becomes higher than or equal to 100 and less than or equal to 200. Configuration: Behavior: old value new value Triggerstate 99 100 not triggered 100 80 triggered 180 280 triggered Value Change Trigger Cyclic testing for change of value at the set address. Boolean Trigger Cyclic testing of a boolean value to true and false according to a set interval with the possibility to automatically reset the state ( the logger inverts). As long as the check is true the trigger raises. Due to the automatic inversion of the S7-FileLogger the PLC can e.g. determine if the data was fetched and a new record can be written. Application scenario Collect data every 10 seconds Every second an error condition shall be checked If an error has occurred , then … log for 20 seconds every 500ms after 20 seconds log every 10 seconds To solve the problem: Set an interval trigger with the name “Every 10 seconds” Set the interval to 10 seconds (10000ms) Create a conditional / edge trigger with the name “error trigger 1 second” Set the interval to 1000ms Fill in the address being read, here DB1.DBB 100 Set the condition, here value equal 1 Create a new interval trigger with the name “Trigger all 500ms after error” Set Starts with: to error trigger 1 second Set Runs: to 20s Set the interval to 500ms Channel Monitoring Records: all records currently detected Events: the events that occured Records Once you have completed the channel configuration, you can start the logging. Regardless of the selected logging mode (e.g. simulation), each detected record is displayed in real-time in this tab. In contrast to the log file, in this view the last recorded data is always in the first row of the table. If a record has been recorded it is displayed in the table according to your set configuration up with formatted values. In this case each record always at least contains the timestamp at which it was read. All further columns in this view are displayed according to your configured variables. Again, it should be noted that “inactive” variables are not included in the log file and in the record view. Events If a logging was carried out or is currently carried out, you can see the actions of the S7-FileLogger carried out here and their outcome in the tab Events. If you have problems with the logging, usually you can detect a hint on the problem here. Column Description Timestamp time of the event specified in day.month.year hour:minute:second Type type of event such as information errors, … Source Event trigger, information about from which functional part of the S7-FileLogger the event originates Message brief explanation of the event Event ID program internal event number to identify the venue and type of event Variable if a variable has triggered the event, it will be enrolled here Operating as a Service Install the Service To install S7-FileLogger as a service proceed as follows: Open the settings dialog Select the tab “Service” Click “Install Service”, the S7-FileLogger is registered as a service. Required admin rights are requested via a login dialog. Choose the S7-FileLogger project (*.fgg) which you want to use in “service mode”. All channels with hooks “Autostart” are processed to service operation, all others remain unaffected. After successful installation you can start / stop the service. The service automatically registers changes to the selected project. With reassignment of a project the service will automatically restart. In “Service” mode the S7-FileLogger generates entries in the EventLog of the system. These can be found at: Event Logs → Windows Protocols → Applications → S7-FileLogger In the target directory of the log files .err files are created additionally. These include possible errors and notifications that occur during the logging. Events that are logged: selected / modified project file channels that are monitored status of the service (started / stopped) error in the project file e.g. “Project does not contain a channel”, “File does not exist”, … Uninstall Service If the service is started, the “Service” dialog shows “Uninstall service”. If this button is still displayed after clicking it, it may be useful to perform a restart of the computer. Command Line Interface The S7-FileLogger additionally offers the support for execution via a command line or via a batch script. Application Scenarios Through this interface, automated logging runs, which can be manually triggered when the system starts or via batch file are imaginable. Links to Parameters This way you can always create a shortcut for the S7-FileLogger and also use the same parameters in its properties that are available in the command line. Command Line Parameters The arguments provided in the command line based interface of the S7-FileLogger are, as described in the integrated help, to use as follows: Argument Description /c /capture If this argument is stated, the S7-FileLogger creates exactly one record per configured channel and closes itself again. /cl /console logger If this argument is stated, the S7-FileLogger additionally depicts the records collected in the command line. /p, /prj /project This argument is the only mandatory argument. Along with this switch you state the full file path to the S7-FileLogger project that the S7-FileLogger shall use. This would look e.g. like this: /p=“C:\folder\Projekt.fgg” /help If this argument is stated, the S7-FileLogger issues a brief summary of the supported arguments. If this argument is stated, the S7-FileLogger provides additional information in the command line. /v /verbose Alternatively, you can request a short feedback after the detection of a record as a graphical dialog by stating “/verbose=gui”. Settings S7-1200/S7-1500/Logo S7-1200/1500 The optimized block access needs to be deactivated in the data block attributes for access to the S7-1500 and S7-1200. In the S7-1500 must be enabled in the communication setting in addition to the PUT / GET access . How this works you see here (snapshot from TIA Portal) . LOGO! 1. Use the Logo Soft Comfort the IP address of a logo! PLCs: 2. Configure PLCs so that connections from an HMI device accepted the Logo!. To do so, go to “Tools- > Ethernet Connections” and then add a new connection. 3. Double-click on the newly created connection to access the properties. Select: Server Connection Local TSAP: 02:00 - 02:00 decentralized TSAP accept all connections. You can access DB1, inputs , outputs, flags , counters and timers with IP -S7 -LINK . Now put on “ Tools- > VM parameter map ” the variables that are to be transferred to the DB1. Please note when accessing the LOGO!Rack 0 Slot 0 The test button in the connection delivers a timeout error because it cannot find the requested data. The deposited data in the data block can be called nevertheless. Versionshistory 04.03.2021 - V2.0.17.0 Changed .NET Framework 4.6 or higher is now required, which runs on Windows Vista and higher (Windows XP is no longer supported). New Variable format option to define a custom separator used to join arrays elements. New Variable format option to define whether CSV values shall be joined. 25.02.2020 - V2.0.16.0 New CSV: Option: “Do not include Header in CSV File” 03.04.2019 - V2.0.15.1 Fixed Issue with permanent use of Life Counter. Fixed Wrong default PLC address displayed in Life Counter address field. 26.02.2019 - V2.0.15.0 New Life Counter in Advanced edition to notify a PLC about running Logger instances. Fixed Issue with handling the license machine code 09.04.2018 - V2.0.14.1 New Project wide option to consolidate multiple connections to the same PLC device. The option can be found within the settings dialog on the “Project” tab. 18.07.2018 - V2.0.13.1 Fixed Issue with logging to XML files 07.09.2017 - V2.0.13.0 Changed Behaviour for event logging to not longer log reccuring events. This means that an previously logged event will not re-logged in case it will be recognized by the next trigger event within the same logging session. New Added new option to re-enable the old logic to always log reccuring events. Fixed Issue with re-written log events until the maximum number of log records is reached. 30.05.2017 - V2.0.12.1 Fixed Issue with reading data areas reaching the limits of a data block. Fixed Issue with reading string values longer than 221 characters. 17.05.2017 - V2.0.12.0 New Increased maximum number of supported variables. 08.04.2017 - V2.0.11.1 Fixed Issue with reading the same PLC data multiple times using different variables. 11.10.2016 - V2.0.11.0 Fixed Issue in drag & drop of variables which led to hanging drag & drop visualization. Fixed Issue with lost log file in case there the logging is configured to close the file after each write and old entries are to be truncated before writing. New Improved Drag&Drop experience by keeping the dragged and dropped row(s) selected including the current row bookmark. 17.08.2016 - V2.0.10.0 New Improved logging behaviour of CSV logging to always append a commata although the value of a variable is empty and to also write a new line although the whole log record is empty, this does then at least log a new line with the time stamp (if activated). Fixed Issues with updating the channel status when logging. Fixed Issue with not selected trigger after loading a project or creating a new channel. New Reduced amount of used triggers to realize trigger chains. Fixed Issue with endless loop in cases there triggers are linked in cyclic order. New Implemented new conditional trigger negation option. New Implemented support for a maximum number of trigger runs. 04.08.2016 - V2.0.9.0 New Implemented additional hexadecimal formats with leading “0x”. New Enhanced “Include Time Stamp” option to differ between a compound or partitioned time stamp in the log file. While in partitioned mode the time stamp is formatted using seperate date and time formats. 27.07.2016 - V2.0.8.0 New Implmented acknowledgement which can set, clear and toggle a bit after data has been logged. New Implemented support for array data on all numerical data types including char and boolean. Just modify the value in the “Length” column when defining a variable. Clear out the length column of a variable to get a scalar variable; otherwise it will be handled as a array variable. 02.06.2016 - V2.0.7.0 New Different view changes to improve auto-scaling behavior when changing screen resolution/scaling. New Improved handling when closing an opened log-file to ensure that the internal logger instances can be reused also when closing a file does fail. New Reworked handling when stopping a started observer instance to ensure that case the stop-thread's does fail to stop the observer, it does correctly reflect this outcome. 14.03.2016 - V2.0.6.1 New The service mode does now use automatic start up mode when installing the logger as a Windows service. 26.02.2016 - V2.0.6.0 New Implemented event log record limitation. It's default value is 100 records in the *.err file and can be configured up to 10.000 records. See settings dialog. 25.02.2016 - V2.0.5.2 New Updated to V1.6.9.2 of IPS7LnkNet.Advanced with improved read cache behavior. 20.01.2016 - V2.0.5.1 New Updated to V1.6.9.1 of IPS7LnkNet.Advanced to read string values multiple times without auto-decrementing its length. 17.12.2015 - V2.0.5.0 New Implemented channel duplication functionality to directly duplicate an existing channel o use it as a template when adding an additional channel. New Implemented find and replace in the variables tab to simple find and replace within variable names and addresses. 16.12.2015 - V2.0.4.5 New Updated to V1.6.8.1 of IPS7LnkNet.Advanced to be now able to read string values until the end of the datablock. 14.12.2015 - V2.0.4.4 New Improved notifications in case of support expired and license expiry. 13.12.2015 - V2.0.4.3 New Implemented support for partner information. New Implemented support for license dongles. 25.11.2015 - V2.0.4.2 Fixed Issue with not longer startable service application. 24.11.2015 - V2.0.4.1 Fixed Issue with exceptions during start/stop of logging. They lead to a total crash of the logger or was not displayed/logged. 23.11.2015 - V2.0.4.0 New Added new log file path preview link. New Added new log directory path preview link. New Added new placeholder '{DateTime}' for log file / directory path. This can be used instead of the 'Date + Time' format. New Casing of placeholder names is not longer relevant. New Added optional placeholder arguments to specify custom format expressions. Use now '{Hour}' (as before) or e.g. '{Hour=HH}' to get 03 as 15 o'clock. All possible format expressions are displayed when moving the cursor over the question mark by the time stamp option. This format expressions are supported by all DateTime placeholders (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second). 09.10.2015 - V2.0.3.1 Fixed Issues with formatting DateTime values (e.g. in file names). 09.10.2015 - V2.0.3.0 New Implemented possibility to specify whether the logger stores event log files besides the channel records files or within an application wide specific event log directory. 01.10.2015 - V2.0.2.3 Fixed Issue with not correctly saved changes in case there was directly clicked on save after editing a project property. 17.09.2015 - V2.0.2.2 Fixed Issue with still enabled logging controlls when service configuration has been changed while the current user does not have elevated privileges. 17.09.2015 - V2.0.2.1 Fixed Issue with still enabled trigger and start logging functionality although the project is currently in use by a service. 17.09.2015 - V2.0.2.0 New Reworked service application monitoring to better inform the user about cases there the currently loaded project is already in use by a running service. New In cases there the license is expired it is now still possible to use the UI without the possibility to save project changes and to start logging. New In cases there the maximum number of concurrently running applications is exceeded the user will be informed now about that case by a message box instead of the license dialog. Because there is no need to enter a new license. New Then a project is currently in use by the service it is not longer possible to save project changes and start logging as long as the service is running. New After a new license has been entered and the license dialog will be closed using a message will be displayed which informs the user that the application needs to be restarted to take use of the new license. Additionally the user will be asked whether the application is to be restarted now. 15.09.2015 - V2.0.1.0 Fixed Issue with hanging application when closing it while logging is started. Fixed Issue with some times hanging application when stopping logging on multiple channels when logging is started for multiple channels. Fixed Issue with hanging application when an exception during stop of logging occurred. Fixed Issues with synchronizing the UI thread with data changes performed in background threads. This affected the main and settings views. Terms of Use Terms of the software The conditions for the use of the software S7 FileLogger are described in license conditions at the end of this manual. The unique license key is proof of your legal purchase and use of the S7-FileLogger on your computer. This was given in electronic form. Technical support (Support) If you have any problems with the installation or use of the Program, and can solve neither the manual nor the installation using the program, please contact the Traeger Industry Components GmbH at the address Or send us your request by e-mail to the address If you have any problems with the installation or use of the Program, and can solve neither the manual nor the installation using the program, please contact your supplier. License Agreement S7 FileLogger (the SOFTWARE PRODUCT) are Copyright © Traeger Industry Components GmbH, 2013-2024. All rights are reserved. The manufacturer grants the purchaser the non-exclusive right to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on ONE computer workstation. The right is not transferable, rentable or lendable. It is not permitted to make the SOFTWARE PRODUCT available to other users who do not have individual licenses for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for use in commercial computer services, in networks, in timesharing or for systems with multiple processors or multiple users. Copying and archiving of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for the purpose of data backup is permitted. The ownership and copyrights or other property rights to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as well as the documentation, manuals and operating instructions remain with the manufacturer (TIS). License Traeger Industry Components GmbH grants the buyer the non-exclusive right to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on ONE computer workstation. The right is not transferable, leased or loaned. It is not allowed to ask the SOFTWARE PRODUCT other users who do not have individual licenses SOFTWAREPRDUKTS, for use in commercial computer service that in networks, timesharing or for systems with multiple processors or multiple users. The copying and archiving of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for the purpose of a backup is permitted. The property and copyright or other proprietary rights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and the documentation, manuals and user guides still remain at Traeger Industry Components GmbH. The manufacturer grants the buyer the non-exclusive right to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on ONE computer workstation. The right is not transferable, leased or loaned. It is not allowed to ask the SOFTWARE PRODUCT other users who do not have individual licenses SOFTWAREPRDUKTS, for use in commercial computer service that in networks, timesharing or for systems with multiple processors or multiple users. The copying and archiving of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for the purpose of a backup is permitted. The property and copyright or other proprietary rights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and the documentation, manuals and user guides still remain from the manufacturer (TIS). Restrictions and change prohibition The program or parts thereof may not pass on cost or free of charge, licensed, rented, modified, translated, adapted or published. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be disassembled nor as a whole in parts, decompile or reconverted in other ways in human readable form. Concluding remark Copyright / trademark Copyright © Traeger Industry Components GmbH, 2013-2024. All rights reserved. Simatic S7 and are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Windows and .NET Framework are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. Copyright © TIS, 2013-2024. All rights reserved. Simatic S7 and are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Windows and .NET Framework are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. Completeness of the documentation This documentation is provided at no claim to completeness. The author does not warrant that the content is error-free, meet your requirements as well as the you desire for purpose of corresponding. Furthermore the author is not responsible for the accuracy of the contents, unless gross negligence or willful conduct. Parts or all of the documentation are subject to change without notice. Table of Contents PLC Types Features of the Editions Application Range of the S7-FileLogger Record Storage Data format Location / File Name Triggers Start Options Connection to the PLC Use USB Dongle Toolbar Other Functions "New Project" "Open Project" "Save Project" "Save Project As ..." "Start" "Stop" "License" "About" The Channel Management "Add Channel" "Channel Remove " Channel configuration Connection Variables / Columns / Data Create an Array Permitted operands Addresses Editor Format Editor Location Directory File Data Management General Data Structured Data Management Stack and Ring-oriented Data Management Trigger Overview of Triggers Settings of the Trigger Trigger options Manual Trigger Interval Trigger Conditional / Edge Trigger Value Change Trigger Boolean Trigger Application scenario Channel Monitoring Records Events Install the Service Uninstall Service Application Scenarios Links to Parameters Command Line Parameters Settings S7-1200/S7-1500/Logo S7-1200/1500 LOGO! Versionshistory License Restrictions and change prohibition Concluding remark Copyright / trademark Completeness of the documentation