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SimaticDevice Class

Namespace: IPS7Lnk.Advanced
Assemblies: IPS7LnkNet.Advanced.dll

Represents a single Siemens AG specific programmable logic controller (PLC).


public class SimaticDevice : PlcDevice, IPlcDevice

Inheritance ObjectPlcDevice › SimaticDevice

Implements IPlcDevice


Name Description
SimaticDevice Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class.
SimaticDevice(PlcDeviceEndPoint) Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class using the specified endPoint.
SimaticDevice(PlcDeviceEndPoint, SimaticDeviceType) Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class using the specified endPoint and type.
SimaticDevice(String) Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class using the specified addressOrHostName.
SimaticDevice(String, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class using the specified addressOrHostName and rack number.
SimaticDevice(String, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class using the specified addressOrHostName, rack number and slot number.
SimaticDevice(String, SimaticDeviceType) Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class using the specified addressOrHostName and type.
SimaticDevice(String, SimaticDeviceType, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class using the specified addressOrHostName, type and rack number.
SimaticDevice(String, SimaticDeviceType, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the SimaticDevice class using the specified addressOrHostName, type, rack number and slot number.


Name Description
Blocks Gets a collection of PlcBlockInfo objects associated with the device.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
ChannelType Gets or sets a value that indicates how the connection will operate on the device.
EndPoint Gets or sets the PlcDeviceEndPoint of the PLC device.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
Name Gets or sets the name of the device.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
Objects Gets a collection of PlcObject objects associated with the device.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
Options Gets or sets additional characteristics used to communicate with the device represented.
Type Gets or sets a value indicating the specific type of device represented.
Types Gets a collection of PlcType objects associated with the device.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
Values Gets a collection of IPlcValue objects associated with the device.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)


Name Description
CreateConnection Creates a new instance of an object implementing the PlcDeviceConnection class which is associated with the device.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
CreateConnection(Boolean) Creates a new instance of an object implementing the PlcDeviceConnection class which is associated with the device, if createNew is equals to the value true.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
CreateConnectionCore Creates a new instance of an object which is an instance of the SimaticDeviceConnection class which is associated with the PlcDevice.
CreateConnectionCore When implemented in a derived class, creates a new instance of an object which is an instance of the PlcDeviceConnection class which is associated with the PlcDevice.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
GetBlock(PlcOperand) Retrieves the block information for the PLC block accessible by the operand specified.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
GetBlockCore(PlcOperand) Retrieves the block information for the PLC block accessible by the operand specified.
GetBlockCore(PlcOperand) When implemented in a derived class, retrieves the block information for the PLC block accessible by the operand specified.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
GetBlocks Retrieves all so far known block information which has been determined by either discovering a block using GetBlock(PlcOperand).
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
GetInfo Retrieves an instance of an object implementing the IPlcDeviceInfo interface which provides additional metadata about the device.
GetInfo When implemented in a derived class, retrieves an instance of an object implementing the IPlcDeviceInfo interface which provides additional metadata about the device.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)
ToString Returns a string that represents the current SimaticDevice.
ToString Returns a string that represents the current PlcDevice.
(Inherited from PlcDevice)