OpcCertificateStores Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides access to the set of OPC UA predefined certificate stores typically used by an OPC UA application to maintain its certificates.


public class OpcCertificateStores

Inheritance Object › OpcCertificateStores

Name Description
ApplicationStore Gets the certificate store which is used by the application to store its own application certificate.
AutoCreateCertificate Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application certificate is to be created automatically in the case there is not a valid application certificate explicitly defined to use.
PathProbings Gets a collection of OpcPathProbing instances evaluated to determine an appropriate path to use to store certificate files. This evaluation is performed by the GetDefaultCertificateStoresPath method. Modifying the items of this property influences the default certificate store paths used.
RejectedStore Gets the certificate store which is used by the application to store all certificates which are not trusted and are therefore by default rejected by the application.
TrustedIssuerStore Gets the certificate store which is used by the application to store all certificates of trusted issuers.
TrustedPeerStore Gets the certificate store which is used by the application to store all certificates of trusted applications.
Name Description
GetDefaultApplicationStorePath Retrieves the default path used by application certificate stores (see ApplicationStore) as the default store path. This path is an extension of the default root path used by all certificate store paths by default (see GetDefaultCertificateStoresPath).
GetDefaultCertificateStoresPath Retrieves the default root path used by all default store paths. These path is determined using the evaluation results of the PathProbings in combination with the sub-path 'OPC Foundation/CertificateStores' for non local working directories and with the sub-path 'CertificateStores' for local working directories.
GetDefaultRejectedStorePath Retrieves the default path used by rejected certificate stores (see RejectedStore) as the default store path. This path is an extension of the default root path used by all certificate store paths by default (see GetDefaultCertificateStoresPath).
GetDefaultTrustedIssuerStorePath Retrieves the default path used by trusted issuer certificate stores (see TrustedIssuerStore) as the default store path. This path is an extension of the default root path used by all certificate store paths by default (see GetDefaultCertificateStoresPath).
GetDefaultTrustedPeerStorePath Retrieves the default path used by trusted peer certificate stores (see TrustedPeerStore) as the default store path. This path is an extension of the default root path used by all certificate store paths by default (see GetDefaultCertificateStoresPath).