Opc.UaFx Namespace

The Opc.UaFx namespace defines the following members.

Name Description
IPAddressCollection Represents a collection of IPAddress objects.
Licenser Defines mechanism required to register the whole OPC UA Framework Advanced as a bundle (which includes client and server functionality).
OpcAcknowledgeableCondition Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcAcknowledgeableConditionNode'.
OpcAcknowledgeableConditionNode Defines a condition node which introduces additional states for acknowledgement and confirmation.
OpcActionMethodNode Defines a method node using a Action delegate.
OpcAddAnalogItemNode Defines a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one analog item node.
OpcAddCommentMethodNode Defines a method node to apply a comment to a node.
OpcAddDataItemNode Defines a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one data item node.
OpcAddDataVariableNode Defines a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one data variable node.
OpcAddFolderNode Defines a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one folder node.
OpcAddInstanceNode Defines an abstract base class for a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one instance node.
OpcAddNode Defines an abstract base class for a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one node.
OpcAddNodeCollection Defines a collection for OpcAddNode instances.
OpcAddNodeResult Provides information indicating and describing the outcome of an OpcAddNode command execution.
OpcAddNodeResultCollection Defines a collection for OpcAddNodeResult instances.
OpcAddObjectNode Defines a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one object node (nodes of the category Object).
OpcAddObjectNode.TypeDefinition Refers to a type definition which can be used to define typed OpcAddObjectNode command instances.
OpcAddObjectTypeNode Defines a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one object type node (nodes of the category ObjectType).
OpcAddPropertyNode Defines a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one property node.
OpcAddReference Defines a single command of the IOpcAddReferencesService used to add a logical reference between one and another node.
OpcAddReferenceCollection Defines a collection for OpcAddReference instances.
OpcAddTypeNode Defines an abstract base class for a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one type node.
OpcAddVariableNode Defines an abstract base class for a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one variable node (nodes of the category Variable).
OpcAddVariableNode.TypeDefinition Refers to a type definition which can be used to define typed OpcAddVariableNode command instances.
OpcAddVariableTypeNode Defines a single command of the IOpcAddNodesService used to add one variable type node (nodes of the category VariableType).
OpcAggregateConfigurationNode Defines the general characteristics of a node that defines the aggregate configuration of any variable or property.
OpcAlarmCondition Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcAlarmConditionNode'.
OpcAlarmConditionNode Defines an acknowledgeable condition node which introduces additional states to define active, suppressed and shelving alarm conditions.
OpcAnalogItemNode Defines an analog item node.
OpcApplicationDescriptionCollection Represents a collection of OpcApplicationDescription instances.
OpcArgument Describes an argument used by a method either as an input or an output argument.
OpcArgumentCollection Representes a collection of OpcArgument instances.
OpcArgumentGlobalization Provides mechanisms to control the localization of data and information used by an argument.
OpcArrayDimensions Provides the lengths of array dimensions.
OpcAutomatism Defines the behavior of global automatisms implemented in the OPC UA Framework Advanced.
OpcBidirectionalReference Describes a bidirectional reference from a logical 'parent' to a logical 'child' AND vice versa using a specific type of reference between the two opponents.
OpcBrowseNode Defines a single command of the IOpcBrowseService.
OpcBrowseNodeCollection Defines a collection for OpcBrowseNode instances.
OpcCallMethod Defines a single command of the IOpcCallMethodsService.
OpcCallMethodCollection Defines a collection for OpcCallMethod instances.
OpcCertificateJudgementEventArgs Provides the event data for 'CertificateJudgement' events.
OpcCertificateManager Provides a set of static (Shared in Visual Basic) methods to manage certificates.
OpcCertificateQueryInstanceEventArgs Provides the event data for the QueryInstance event.
OpcCertificateRequestedEventArgs Provides the event data for the CertificateRequested event.
OpcCertificateSettings Defines the setup of an application instance certificate.
OpcCertificateStores Provides access to the set of OPC UA predefined certificate stores typically used by an OPC UA application to maintain its certificates.
OpcCertificateValidationFailedEventArgs Provides the event data for 'CertificateValidationFailed' events.
OpcCondition Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcConditionNode'.
OpcConditionNode Defines all general characteristics of a condition.
OpcConditionVariableNode Defines a variable node which is used by various information elements of a condition that are not considered to be states. However, a change in their value is considered important and supposed to trigger an event notification. These information elements are called condition variables.
OpcContentFilterElementCollection Represents a collection of OpcContentFilterElement instances.
OpcContentFilterElementReadOnlyCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcContentFilterElement instances.
OpcContext Provides information and services about the system which belong to the current situation (process, thread, session, etc.).
OpcData Defines an abstract base class of data objects used and provided in the ecosystem of a specific OPC UA Server.
OpcDataChangeFilter Defines the conditions under which a data change notification is to be reported.
OpcDataField Represents a data field declared by the structured data type of a specific OpcDataObject instance.
OpcDataFieldInfo Provides metadata of a field declared by a data type.
OpcDataItemNode Defines a specialisation of the OpcDataVariableNode which defines the general characteristics of a data item.
OpcDataObject Provides a generic and dynamically accessible representation of structured data types.
OpcDataSurrogate Provides a surrogate used to transport the encoding of data structures its structural information is resolved dynamically at runtime. This information is then transformed into a dynamically determined subclass of the OpcData class. The SDK uses this class in turn to create an instance which is able to represent and understand the encoded structured data. This class serves mechanisms required by the OPC UA Framework infrastructure and it is not intended to be used directly in your code.
OpcDataTypeAttribute Defines the identifier of a custom data type which is represented by the Type on that this attribute is applied.
OpcDataTypeDictionary Represents a self-describing block which offers a set of type declarations used for data types and summarizes them within a Namespace.
OpcDataTypeDictionaryNode Provides a node which contains a set of type descriptions.
OpcDataTypeEncodingAttribute Defines the information about the encoding used for a custom data type which is represented by the Type on that this attribute is applied.
OpcDataTypeEncodingMaskAttribute Defines the size of the mask used to encode optional field information of the custom data type represented by the Type on that this attribute is applied. The furthermore available Kind is used to determine whether the mask data is controlled by the data type or is to be determined and processed inline while reading or writing the custom data type. For more information about how an optional field is declared see OpcEncodingMaskKind.
OpcDataTypeIgnoreMemberAttribute Declares a field or property of a custom data type, to that the member belongs on that this attribute is applied, to be ignored by the data type description.
OpcDataTypeInfo Represents type declarations used for data types.
OpcDataTypeMemberAttribute Declares a field or property of a custom data type, to that the member belongs on that this attribute is applied, with different Name and Type information to use when reading and writing the member. By default the Name and the Type are determined by the MemberInfo.Name and the FieldInfo.FieldType or PropertyInfo.PropertyType. In case there a different name or a different Type is to be used for a member use this attribute to declare them. Keep in mind to declare only different types which implement IConvertible supporting the Type specified; otherwise declare the desired type directly instead of using this attribute. Additionally its possible to derive from OpcData and use IOpcDataStore instances with properties to implement custom data convertion.
OpcDataTypeMemberLengthAttribute Declares a field or property of a custom data type, to that the member belongs on that this attribute is applied, with a variable or fixed length of the member within the stream of its custom data type. Use this attribute to explicitly declare a field or property with a variable or fixed length. The length within the stream of its custom data type is declared either using the number of instances (= fixed length) using the constructor OpcDataTypeMemberLengthAttribute(Int64) or using the value of a preceding member (= variable length) using the constructor OpcDataTypeMemberLengthAttribute(String).
OpcDataTypeMemberOffsetAttribute Declares a field or property of a custom data type, to that the member belongs on that this attribute is applied, with an absolute zero-based start-offset within the stream of its custom data type. Using the Offset specified means, that the members data starts at the byte specified by Offset. All preceding bytes are skipped; if not read for a prior member. When writing a member with a specific Offset all preceding bytes are written using zeros; if not written using a prior member. If this attribute is not defined, the first member is read and written using zero as its offset.
OpcDataTypeMembersAttribute Defines additional information like different criterions to use to select the members of a data type which shall be respected and therefore encoded / decoded for the data type on which the attribute is applied.
OpcDataTypeMemberSwitchAttribute Declares a field or property of a custom data type, to that the member belongs on that this attribute is applied, with conditional existence of the member within the stream of its custom data type. Use this attribute to explicitly declare a field or property as optional. Its existence within the stream of its custom data type is declared either using a bit within the encoding mask of the whole data type (see OpcDataTypeEncodingMaskAttribute) using the constructors OpcDataTypeMemberSwitchAttribute and OpcDataTypeMemberSwitchAttribute(Int32) or using the value of a preceding member using the constructors OpcDataTypeMemberSwitchAttribute(String), OpcDataTypeMemberSwitchAttribute(String, Int64) or OpcDataTypeMemberSwitchAttribute(String, Int64, OpcMemberSwitchOperator).
OpcDataTypeNode Defines an abstract data type node.
OpcDataTypeSystem Represents an encoding-based system which is organized in type dictionaries to define type information to use to understand data exchanged via OPC UA using a specific type of encoding.
OpcDataVariableNode Provides a node to represent complex data structures expose their information as complex data types, as well as components in the address space. This allows access to simple values as well as access to the whole information at once in a transactional context.
OpcDeleteNode Defines a single command of the IOpcDeleteNodesService used to delete one node.
OpcDeleteNodeCollection Defines a collection for OpcDeleteNode instances.
OpcDeleteReference Defines a single command of the IOpcDeleteReferencesService used to delete a logical reference between one and another node.
OpcDeleteReferenceCollection Defines a collection for OpcDeleteReference instances.
OpcDialogCondition Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcDialogConditionNode'.
OpcDialogConditionNode Defines a condition node which represents itself as a dialog.
OpcDialogResponseMethodNode Defines a method node to .
OpcDirectoryPathProbing Provides mechanisms to evaluate the full qualified existence and accessibility of a String-based path which points to a directory in the file system.
OpcDiscreteAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcDiscreteAlarmNode'.
OpcDiscreteAlarmNode Defines an alarm condition node which is used to classify types into alarm conditions where the input for the alarm may take on only a certain number of possible values (e.g. true/false, running/stopped/terminating).
OpcEncoding Identifies how data is encoded on the wire and therefore describes in which way information is serialized or deserialized.
OpcEncodingMask Defines the characteristics of the 'EncodingMask' of a type with optional members.
OpcEncodingOptions Provides the setup used to control encoding results.
OpcEncodingStackFrame Provides information about a OpcEncodingStackFrame, which represents the encoding / decoding operation performed on the encoding stack for the current encode / decode operation.
OpcEncodingStackTrace Represents a stack trace of an encoder / decoder, which is an ordered collection of one or more stack frames.
OpcEndpointDescriptionCollection Represents a collection of OpcEndpointDescription instances.
OpcEndpointIdentityReadOnlyCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcEndpointIdentity instances.
OpcEngineeringUnitInfo Provides information to classify a value using codes for units of measurements.
OpcEngineeringUnitInfoPropertyNode Defines a property node for engineering unit information properties.
OpcEnumMember Defines the metadata required to represent a member of an enumerated type definition.
OpcEnumMemberAttribute Defines custom metadata which is used when a member of an enumeration is to be used as a “EnumString” or “EnumValue” of a custom data type node representing an enumerated type.
OpcEvent Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcEventNode'.
OpcEventCollection Defines a collection for OpcEvent instances.
OpcEventNode Defines a generic base class for all general characteristics of an OPC UA Event.
OpcEventNodeSnapshot Defines a lightweight immutable deep snapshot of a whole 'Opc.UaFx.OpcEventNode'.
OpcEventNodeView Provides immutable access to the filtered data of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcEventNode'.
OpcEventTypeAttribute Defines the identifier of a custom event type which is represented by the Type on that this attribute is applied. If the Type which uses the attribute is an 'OpcEventNode' derivate the attribute additionally defined which type of OpcEvent instances are reported.
OpcEventTypes Provides additional metadata and service routines for the different types of events supported and defined by the OPC UA Foundation Stack.
OpcException The exception that is thrown when an OPC operation has failed.
OpcExclusiveDeviationAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcExclusiveDeviationAlarmNode'.
OpcExclusiveDeviationAlarmNode Defines a limit alarm which utilizes multiple mutually exclusive limits.
OpcExclusiveLevelAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcExclusiveLevelAlarmNode'.
OpcExclusiveLevelAlarmNode Defines a limit alarm which utilizes an alarm with multiple mutually exclusive limits.
OpcExclusiveLimitAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcExclusiveLimitAlarmNode'.
OpcExclusiveLimitAlarmNode Defines an alarm condition node with multiple mutually exclusive limits.
OpcExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmNode'.
OpcExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmNode Defines a limit alarm which utilizes an alarm with multiple mutually exclusive limits using a rate of change.
OpcFileCloseMethodNode Defines a method node to close a file.
OpcFileGetPositionMethodNode Defines a method node to query a position in a file.
OpcFileInfo Provides a default implementation of the IOpcFileInfo interface representing a FileInfo for the use in OPC UA.
OpcFileNode Defines a file node.
OpcFileOpenMethodNode Defines a method node to open a file.
OpcFileReadMethodNode Defines a method node to read data from a file.
OpcFileSetPositionMethodNode Defines a method node to update a position in a file.
OpcFileWriteMethodNode Defines a method node to write data to a file.
OpcFilterOperandCollection Represents a collection of OpcFilterOperand instances.
OpcFilterOperandReadOnlyCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcFilterOperand instances.
OpcFiniteStateMachineNode Defines a specialization of the OpcStateMachineNode that provides a mechanism to explicitly define the states and transitions. A server should use this mechanism if it knows what the possible states are and the state machine is not trivial.
OpcFiniteStateVariableNode Defines a specialization of the OpcStateVariableNode which uses a OpcNodeId as the value of the VariableId.
OpcFiniteTransitionVariableNode Defines a specialization of the OpcTransitionVariableNode which uses a OpcNodeId as the value of the VariableId.
OpcFolderNode Defines a node to organise the address space into a hierarchy of nodes. They represent the root node of a subtree, and have no other semantics associated with them.
OpcHistoryConfigurationNode Defines the general characteristics of a node that defines the historical configuration of any historical data node that is defined to contain history.
OpcIncrementalNodeIdFactory Provides a factory for NumericOpcNodeId instances which generates per namespace unique node identifiers.
OpcInstanceNode Defines the abstract base class of all instance nodes.
OpcInstanceNodeSnapshot Defines a lightweight immutable deep snapshot of a whole 'Opc.UaFx.OpcInstanceNode'.
OpcLimitAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcLimitAlarmNode'.
OpcLimitAlarmNode Defines an alarm condition node with multiple limits.
OpcLocaleCollection Represents a collection of String values identifying different cultures (also known as CultureInfo).
OpcMemberLength Declares the total number of bytes or the number of instances of the type referenced by a member either direct or indirect by referencing a different member its value defines the length of the member.
OpcMemberSwitch Declares the condition under which an optional member exists in dependency of the value of a switch member. The switch member can be either a single bit in the 'EncodingMask' or a different member its value is compared to a switch value (see Value).
OpcMethodCommands Provides a set of static (Shared in Visual Basic) IOpcMethodCommand instances.
OpcMethodContext Provides information and services about the system which belong to the current method call situation.
OpcMethodDelegateCommand Provides an implementation of the IOpcMethodCommand interface which delegates method evaluations and method calls to a set of callback routines.
OpcMethodNode Defines a method node.
OpcModel Describes a specific model along with any dependencies these model have.
OpcMonitoringFilter Defines the base class of filter definitions used for node monitoring using subscriptions.
OpcName Represents the name of any kind of OPC UA entity through qualifying its nominal information with a reference to the namespace within the name is used.
OpcNameCollection Representes a collection of OpcName instances.
OpcNamePath Defines a sequence of OpcName objects which can be used to browse through nodes using their Name values as the selection criteria to query node by node using the elements of the path.
OpcNamePropertyNode Defines a property node for name properties.
OpcNamespace Represents a nominal space used to categorize information like nodes, types, identifiers, etc. under a logical topic.
OpcNamespaceCollection Represents a collection of OpcNamespace instances.
OpcNodeChangesEventArgs Provides the event data for the BeforeApplyChanges and AfterApplyChanges events.
OpcNodeCollection Represents a collection of IOpcNode instances.
OpcNodeContext Provides node sensitive information and services about the system which belong to the current situation (process, thread, session, node, etc.).
OpcNodeEventArgs Provides generic event data for OpcNode related events.
OpcNodeExportOptions Provides the setup used to collect the metadata of a node to export.
OpcNodeGlobalization Provides mechanisms to control the localization of data and information used by a node.
OpcNodeId Defines an identifier for a node in the address space of an OPC UA Server.
OpcNodeIdCollection Represents a collection of OpcNodeId instances.
OpcNodeIdFactory Provides an abstract base class which defines mechanisms to create new OpcNodeId instances.
OpcNodeIdPropertyNode Defines a property node for node identifiers.
OpcNodeReference Defines a bunch of OpcReference instances associated with a specific node using its IOpcNode instance or a OpcNodeId to identify the belonging node the references are used for.
OpcNodeReferenceCollection Provides a collection of OpcNodeReference instances where the NodeId is used as the key of each entry.
OpcNodeReferenceExportOptions Provides the setup used to collect the metadata of the references used by a node to export.
OpcNodeReferenceSet Provides a sequence of OpcNodeReference instances.
OpcNodeReferenceSource Provides a set of methods to construct OpcNodeReference instances using different source node information.
OpcNodeSet Provides a static in-memory representation of an address space including its nodes their references to each other and the used types.
OpcNodeTypeInfo Represents type declarations used for node types.
OpcNodeTypeSystem Represents a system which defines type information used as templates to initialize different types of nodes. Such nodes can be object, variable or event nodes.
OpcNominalNodeIdFactory Provides a generic factory for OpcNodeId instances which generates general unique node identifiers using Create(OpcContext) / Create(OpcContext, OpcNamespace) or node dependent unique node identifiers using Create(OpcContext, OpcNamespace, IOpcNodeInfo).
OpcNonExclusiveDeviationAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcNonExclusiveDeviationAlarmNode'.
OpcNonExclusiveDeviationAlarmNode Defines a limit alarm which utilizes one or more non-exclusive states.
OpcNonExclusiveLevelAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcNonExclusiveLevelAlarmNode'.
OpcNonExclusiveLevelAlarmNode Defines a limit alarm which utilizes one or more non-exclusive states.
OpcNonExclusiveLimitAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcNonExclusiveLimitAlarmNode'.
OpcNonExclusiveLimitAlarmNode Defines an alarm condition node with multiple non-exclusive limits.
OpcNonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcNonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmNode'.
OpcNonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmNode Defines a limit alarm which utilizes one or more non-exclusive states using a rate of change.
OpcNotificationDataSetCollection Represents a collection of IOpcNotificationDataSet instances.
OpcNotificationDataSetReadOnlyCollection Provides a read-only collection of IOpcNotificationDataSet objects.
OpcObjectNode Defines a logical unit to represent more complex information as a OpcVariableNode. Objects are used to represent systems, system components, real-world objects and software objects.
OpcObjectTypeInfo Represents type declarations used for object node types.
OpcOffNormalAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcOffNormalAlarmNode'.
OpcOffNormalAlarmNode Defines an alarm condition node intended to represent a discrete condition that is considered to be not normal.
OpcPathProbing Provides an abstract base class which defines mechanisms to evaluate String-based path values used to access the file system. A path probing evaluates a specific path (source) against its existence, its acessibility and other circumstances and offers only successful evaluated path information.
OpcPathProbingCollection Represents a collection of OpcPathProbing instances.
OpcPathProbingFailedEventArgs Provides the event data for the Failed event.
OpcPropertyNode Defines a property node.
OpcReadAttributeValueContext Provides node sensitive information and services about the system which belong to the current situation (process, thread, session, node, etc.) used for reading the value of a node attribute.
OpcReadNode Defines a single command of the IOpcReadNodesService.
OpcReadNodeCollection Defines a collection for OpcReadNode instances.
OpcReadOnlyArgumentCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcArgument instances.
OpcReadOnlyNamespaceCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcNamespace instances.
OpcReadOnlyNodeCollection Provides a read-only collection of IOpcNode instances accessible by their Id or just using an index.
OpcReadOnlyNodeIdCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcNodeId instances.
OpcReadOnlyReferenceTypeCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcReferenceType values.
OpcReadPropertyValueContext Provides property node sensitive information and services about the system which belong to the current situation (process, thread, session, property node, etc.) used for reading the value of a property node.
OpcReadVariableValueContext Provides variable node sensitive information and services about the system which belong to the current situation (process, thread, session, variable node, etc.) used for reading the value of a variable node.
OpcReference Describes a unidirectional reference from a logical 'parent' to a logical 'child' or vice versa using a specific type of reference between the two opponents.
OpcReferenceCollection Representes a collection of OpcReference instances.
OpcReferenceTypes Provides additional metadata and service routines for the different types of references supported and defined by the OPC UA Foundation Stack.
OpcRegisterNode Defines a single command of the IOpcRegisterNodesService used to register one node for optimized node access.
OpcRegisterNodeCollection Defines a collection for OpcRegisterNode instances.
OpcRelativePath Defines a sequence of references and browse names to follow.
OpcRelativePathElement Defines a reference and browse name to follow.
OpcResult Provides information indicating and describing the outcome of an operation.
OpcResultCollection Representes a collection of OpcResult instances.
OpcResultReadOnlyCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcResult instances.
OpcSecurity Provides security options used by an application instance to control the authentication, the access and the possible operations between the opponent applications.
OpcSecurityPolicy Describes the configuration used to secure the message exchange.
OpcServerStatePropertyNode Defines a property node for server state properties.
OpcShelvedStateMachineNode Defines a specialization of the OpcFiniteStateMachineNode which implements a sub-state machine that represents an advanced alarm filtering model.
OpcSimpleAttributeOperandCollection Represents a collection of OpcSimpleAttributeOperand instances.
OpcSimpleAttributeOperandReadOnlyCollection Provides a read-only collection of OpcSimpleAttributeOperand instances.
OpcSpecialFolderPathProbing Provides mechanisms to evaluate the full qualified existence and accessibility of a String-based path which points to a directory in the file system. The thereby evaluated directories are identified by one of the values defined by the SpecialFolder enumeration.
OpcStateMachineNode Defines the base class for all state machine nodes. It uses a single variable which represents the current state of the machine.
OpcStateVariableNode Defines a variable node which stores the current state of a state machine as a human readable name.
OpcStatus Provides information about the outcome of an operation.
OpcStatusCollection Representes a collection of OpcStatus instances.
OpcStatusConditionVariableNode Defines a condition variable node for OpcStatus variables.
OpcTaskSchedule Defines the central entry point used to schedule any kind of task to perform using custom queuing and scheduling mechanisms.
OpcText Represents a human readable String value optionally associated with a Culture and localization relevant information.
OpcTextArrayPropertyNode Defines a property node for text array properties.
OpcTextConditionVariableNode Defines a condition variable node for OpcText variables.
OpcTextPropertyNode Defines a property node for text properties.
OpcTextVariableNode Defines a variable node for texts.
OpcTimedShelveMethodNode Defines a method node to transition a condition into the timed shelved state.
OpcTransitionVariableNode Defines a variable node which stores a transition within a state machine as a human readable name.
OpcTranslatePath Defines a single command of the IOpcTranslatePathsService.
OpcTranslatePathCollection Defines a collection for OpcTranslatePath instances.
OpcTranslatePathResult Provides information indicating and describing the outcome of an OpcTranslatePath command execution.
OpcTranslatePathResultCollection Defines a collection for OpcTranslatePathResult instances.
OpcTransport Provides transport options used by an application instance to control the behavior of the operation, communication and data flow between the opponent applications.
OpcTripAlarm Represents a snapshot of a 'Opc.UaFx.OpcTripAlarmNode'.
OpcTripAlarmNode Defines an alarm condition node which is intended to represent an equipment trip condition. The alarm becomes active when the monitored piece of equipment experiences some abnormal fault such as a motor shutting down due to an overload condition.
OpcTwoStateVariableNode Defines a specialization of the OpcStateVariableNode which uses a Boolean as the value of the VariableId.
OpcTypeDecodingFailedEventArgs Provides the event data for events of the delegate type OpcTypeDecodingFailedEventHandler.
OpcTypeEncodingFailedEventArgs Provides the event data for events of the delegate type OpcTypeEncodingFailedEventHandler.
OpcTypeNode Defines the abstract base class of all type nodes.
OpcTypeResolveEventArgs Provides the event data for events used to resolve missing Type information.
OpcTypes Provides a set of static (Shared in Visual Basic) services to maintain different types used in the ecosystem of an OPC UA Server.
OpcUnregisterNode Defines a single command of the IOpcUnregisterNodesService used to unregister one node to not longer optimize their node access.
OpcUnregisterNodeCollection Defines a collection for OpcUnregisterNode instances.
OpcUpdateNodeHistoryDetailsCollection Represents a collection of OpcUpdateNodeHistoryDetails instances.
OpcValue Stores a value optionally associated with status and timestamp information.
OpcValueCollection Represents a collection of OpcValue instances.
OpcValueRange Defines the range for a value.
OpcValueRangePropertyNode Defines a property node for value range properties.
OpcVariableNode Defines a node to use to represent values which may be simple or complex. Variables are always defined as properties or data variables of other nodes in the address space. They are never defined by themselves. A variable is always part of at least one other node, but may be related to any number of other nodes.
OpcVariableTypeInfo Represents type declarations used for variable node types.
OpcWriteAttributeValueContext Provides node sensitive information and services about the system which belong to the current situation (process, thread, session, node, etc.) used for writing the value of a node attribute.
OpcWriteNode Defines a single command of the IOpcWriteNodesService.
OpcWriteNodeCollection Defines a collection for OpcWriteNode instances.
OpcWritePropertyValueContext Provides property node sensitive information and services about the system which belong to the current situation (process, thread, session, property node, etc.) used for writing the value of a property node.
OpcWriteVariableValueContext Provides variable node sensitive information and services about the system which belong to the current situation (process, thread, session, variable node, etc.) used for writing the value of a variable node.
UriCollection Represents a collection of Uri objects.
Name Description
Bit Represents a Bit (high or low) value.
ByteString Defines a sequence of Byte values.
OpcNodeValuePair Defines a node value pair using an IOpcNodeValue object as the node and an Object as the value.
Name Description
ILicenseInfo Provides the license conditions of a single license.
ILicenseType Provides information about the kind of license that activates according features in the product, depending on the type.
IOpcApplicationInstance Defines a concrete application of one of the possible OPC UA application types available.
IOpcDataFieldInfo Defines the metadata of a field declared by a data type.
IOpcDataStore Defines mechanisms to store and retrieve data using OPC UA defined techniques to store and locate information.
IOpcDataTypeInfo Defines type declaration information used for data types.
IOpcFileInfo Represents a single file in OPC UA and provides properties and instance methods for accessing files.
IOpcMethodCommand Defines a command used as the implementation of a method.
IOpcNamespaceResolver Defines methods to resolve metadata of an OPC UA namespace.
IOpcNodeAttribute Describes an attribute associated with a specific node.
IOpcNodeDescriptor Describes a specific node using the identifier of the node.
IOpcNodeInfo Defines an interface which can be used to access basic properties used over any kind of node in an immutable way.
IOpcNodeReferenceAware Defines the lowest common interface of types which offer OpcNodeReference instances using different circumstances and conditions to define or provide OpcNodeReference class instances.
IOpcNodeValue Describes the Value attribute associated with a specific node.
IOpcReadOnlyNodeDataStore Defines read-only mechanisms to retrieve node related data using OPC UA defined techniques to store and locate information using different OpcAttribute's and OpcName's.
IOpcType Represents type declarations used for objects, variables, events, references and data.
IOpcTypeProvider Provides type information used in the OPC UA address space.
IOpcTypeSystem Provides type information used within a specific scope of OPC UA.
Name Description
OpcAddCommentCallback Represents the method that will apply the comment to the state of a condition node.
OpcAddCommentMethodNode.AddCommentCallback Applies the comment to the state of a condition.
OpcAddCommentMethodNode.AddCommentExCallback Applies the comment to the state of a condition.
OpcCertificateJudgementEventHandler Represents the method that will handle 'CertificateJudgementFailed' events.
OpcCertificateQueryInstanceEventHandler Represents the method that will handle QueryInstance events.
OpcCertificateRequestedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle CertificateRequested events.
OpcCertificateValidationFailedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle 'CertificateValidationFailed' events.
OpcDialogRespondCallback Represents the method that will respond on a dialog of a dialog condition node.
OpcDialogResponseMethodNode.DialogResponseCallback Passes the selected response option and ends the dialog.
OpcDialogResponseMethodNode.DialogResponseExCallback Passes the selected response option and ends the dialog.
OpcFileCloseMethodNode.FileCloseCallback Closes the file represented. When a client closes a file the handle becomes invalid.
OpcFileCloseMethodNode.FileCloseExCallback Closes the file represented. When a client closes a file the handle becomes invalid.
OpcFileGetPositionMethodNode.FileGetPositionCallback GetPosition is used to provide the current position of the file handle.
OpcFileGetPositionMethodNode.FileGetPositionExCallback GetPosition is used to provide the current position of the file handle.
OpcFileOpenMethodNode.FileOpenCallback Opens the file represented. When a client opens a file it gets a file handle that is valid while the session is open. Clients shall use the Close Method to release the file handle when they do not need access to the file anymore. Clients can open the same file several times for read.
OpcFileOpenMethodNode.FileOpenExCallback Opens the file represented. When a client opens a file it gets a file handle that is valid while the session is open. Clients shall use the Close Method to release the file handle when they do not need access to the file anymore. Clients can open the same file several times for read.
OpcFileReadMethodNode.FileReadCallback Read is used to read a part of the file starting from the current file position. The file position is advanced by the number of bytes read.
OpcFileReadMethodNode.FileReadExCallback Read is used to read a part of the file starting from the current file position. The file position is advanced by the number of bytes read.
OpcFileSetPositionMethodNode.FileSetPositionCallback SetPosition is used to set the current position of the file handle.
OpcFileSetPositionMethodNode.FileSetPositionExCallback SetPosition is used to set the current position of the file handle.
OpcFileWriteMethodNode.FileWriteCallback Write is used to write a part of the file starting from the current file position. The file position is advanced by the number of bytes written.
OpcFileWriteMethodNode.FileWriteExCallback Write is used to write a part of the file starting from the current file position. The file position is advanced by the number of bytes written.
OpcMethodCanExecuteCallback Determines the value which decides whether a method implementation can be executed.
OpcMethodExecuteCallback Performs the tasks necessary to implement the logic associated with a specific method using the context and inputArguments specified.
OpcNodeChangesEventHandler Represents the method that will handle BeforeApplyChanges and AfterApplyChanges events.
OpcNodeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle generic OpcNode related events.
OpcPathProbingFailedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle Failed events.
OpcQueryEventsCallback Represents the method that will refresh / (re)evaluate any node specific conditions to determine pending / occurred events the inquirer should know about.
OpcReadEngineeringUnitInfoPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a engineering unit info property node.
OpcReadNamePropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a name property node.
OpcReadNodeIdPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a node identifier property node.
OpcReadPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a property node.
OpcReadServerStatePropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a server state property node.
OpcReadTextArrayPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a text array property node.
OpcReadTextPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a text property node.
OpcReadValueRangePropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a value range property node.
OpcReadVariableValueCallback Represents the method that will read the value of a variable node.
OpcTaskSchedule.Scheduler Defines a method which is used to schedule the invocation of the action using custom queuing and scheduling mechanisms.
OpcTimedShelveCallback Represents the method that will shelve the condition node for a specific amount of time.
OpcTimedShelveMethodNode.TimedShelveCallback Transitions the alarm condition into the timed shelved state.
OpcTimedShelveMethodNode.TimedShelveExCallback Transitions the alarm condition into the timed shelved state.
OpcTypeDecodingFailedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events which occur when the decoding of a specific type has failed.
OpcTypeEncodingFailedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events which occur when the encoding of a specific type has failed.
OpcTypeResolveEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events used to resolve missing Type information.
OpcWriteEngineeringUnitInfoPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a engineering unit info property node.
OpcWriteNamePropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a name property node.
OpcWriteNodeIdPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a node identifier property node.
OpcWritePropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a property node.
OpcWriteServerStatePropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a server state property node.
OpcWriteTextArrayPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a text array property node.
OpcWriteTextPropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a text property node.
OpcWriteValueRangePropertyValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a value range property node.
OpcWriteVariableValueCallback Represents the method that will write the value of a variable node.