OpcNamePath Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Defines a sequence of OpcName objects which can be used to browse through nodes using their Name values as the selection criteria to query node by node using the elements of the path.


public class OpcNamePath : IEquatable<OpcNamePath>, IComparable, IComparable<OpcNamePath>

Inheritance Object › OpcNamePath

Implements IEquatable<OpcNamePath>, IComparable, IComparable<OpcNamePath>

Name Description
OpcNamePath(IEnumerable) Initializes a new instance of the OpcNamePath class using the pathElements specified.
OpcNamePath(IEnumerable) Initializes a new instance of the OpcNamePath class using the pathElements specified.
OpcNamePath(OpcName) Initializes a new instance of the OpcNamePath class using the pathElements specified.
OpcNamePath(String) Initializes a new instance of the OpcNamePath class using the pathElements specified.
Name Description
Empty Gets the default empty path.
IsEmpty Gets a value indicating whether the path is empty.
Item(Int32) Gets the OpcName at the specified index.
Length Gets the number of elements contained in the OpcNamePath.
Name Description
Combine(OpcNamePath) Combines the paths specified into one path there its sequence of elements is created from the consecutive elements of the paths passed.
CompareTo(Object) Compares the current OpcNamePath with the other.
CompareTo(OpcNamePath) Compares the current OpcNamePath with another OpcNamePath.
Contains(OpcNamePath) Returns a value indicating whether a specified sub-path occurs within this OpcNamePath.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcNamePath.
Equals(OpcNamePath) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcNamePath.
GetHashCode Retrieves a hash code for this OpcNamePath.
Parse(String) Converts a path string to a OpcNamePath instance.
ToArray Copies the elements of the path to a new array of OpcName instances.
ToString Returns a string representing the path.
TryParse(String, OpcNamePath@) Determines whether a string is a valid path.
Name Description
op_Equality(OpcNamePath, OpcNamePath) Returns a value indicating whether two instance of OpcNamePath are equal.
op_GreaterThan(OpcNamePath, OpcNamePath) Determines whether the first specified OpcNamePath object is greater than the second specified OpcNamePath object.
op_GreaterThanOrEqual(OpcNamePath, OpcNamePath) Determines whether the first specified OpcNamePath object is greater than or equal to the second specified OpcNamePath object.
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcNamePath) Creates a new instance of the OpcNamePath from the value specified.
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcNamePath) Converts a String to an OpcNamePath object.
op_Inequality(OpcNamePath, OpcNamePath) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of OpcNamePath are not equal.
op_LessThan(OpcNamePath, OpcNamePath) Determines whether the first specified OpcNamePath object is less than the second specified OpcNamePath object.
op_LessThanOrEqual(OpcNamePath, OpcNamePath) Determines whether the first specified OpcNamePath object is less than or equal to the second OpcNamePath object.