OpcTranslatePathResult Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides information indicating and describing the outcome of an OpcTranslatePath command execution.


public class OpcTranslatePathResult : OpcResult, IComparable

Inheritance ObjectOpcResult › OpcTranslatePathResult

Implements IComparable

Name Description
Addition Gets additional diagnostic/debugging information associated with the operation which provides the result represented.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
Code Gets the OpcStatusCode associated with the result.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
Command Gets the OpcTranslatePath instance from that this OpcTranslatePathResult originates from.
Description Gets the localized description of the result represented.
Description Gets the localized description of the result represented.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
InnerResult Gets the OpcResult instance that caused the current result.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
IsBad Gets a value indicating whether the result falls within the category bad.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
IsGood Gets a value indicating whether the result falls within the category good.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
IsUncertain Gets a value indicating whether the result falls within the category uncertain.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
NodeId Gets the first target identifier which matches the type definition.
NodeIds Gets a read-only collection of target identifiers resolved.
Name Description
CompareTo(Object) Compares the current OpcResult with the other.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
CompareTo(OpcResult) Compares the current OpcResult with another OpcResult.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcResult.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
Equals(OpcResult) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcResult.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
GetBaseResult Returns the OpcResult that is the root cause of one or more subsequent exceptions.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
GetHashCode Retrieves a hash code for this OpcResult.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
ToString Returns a string that represents the current OpcResult.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
Name Description
op_Equality(OpcResult, OpcResult) Returns a value indicating whether two instance of OpcResult are equal.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Explicit(Ua.ServiceResult) Converts a OpcResult to an ServiceResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_GreaterThan(OpcResult, OpcResult) Determines whether the first specified OpcResult object is greater than the second specified OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_GreaterThanOrEqual(OpcResult, OpcResult) Determines whether the first specified OpcResult object is greater than or equal to the second specified OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a Boolean to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a Byte to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a Decimal to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a Double to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a Int16 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a Int32 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a Int64 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable Boolean to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable Byte to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable Decimal to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable Double to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable Int16 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable Int32 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable Int64 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable SByte to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable Single to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable UInt32 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a nullable UInt64 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a OpcStatus to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a OpcStatusCode to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a SByte to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(ServiceResult)~Opc.UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a ServiceResult to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a Single to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(StatusCode)~Opc.UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a StatusCode to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a UInt16 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a UInt32 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcResult) Converts a UInt64 to an OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_Inequality(OpcResult, OpcResult) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of OpcResult are not equal.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_LessThan(OpcResult, OpcResult) Determines whether the first specified OpcResult object is less than the second specified OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)
op_LessThanOrEqual(OpcResult, OpcResult) Determines whether the first specified OpcResult object is less than or equal to the second OpcResult object.
(Inherited from OpcResult)