IOpcTranslatePathsService Members

Namespace: Opc.UaFx.Services
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll, Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll
The IOpcTranslatePathsService interface defines the following members.


Gets or sets the maximum number of paths which shall be translated using a single translate request. This number indirectly defines the number of requests used to send a specific number of translate requests to the server.


uint? MaxPathsPerTranslate { get; set; }

Property Value


The absolute number of translate commands which shall be send to the server per request or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). In case there a specific number of nodes is used, a request with more commands as the MaxPathsPerTranslate is partitioned into multiple requests and the responses of them are accumulated. The default value of this property is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) and means that all commands defined are send to the server using the server defined number of paths per translate request.


Gets the maximum number of paths which are translated using a single translate request. This property will use either the MaxPathsPerTranslate or the maximum number of paths which can be translated in one request as defined by the server. The lowest number of paths is used to partition the commands to execute into multiple translate requests.


uint? UsedMaxPathsPerTranslate { get; }

Property Value


In case there has already been one translate attempt (with more than one translate command) the definite number of commands per translate request; otherwise a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


Translates one or more paths starting from one or more dedicated nodes using the specified commands.


OpcTranslatePathResultCollection TranslatePaths(IEnumerable<OpcTranslatePath> commands)


commands IEnumerable<OpcTranslatePath>

A sequence of OpcTranslatePath instances to process.



An instance of the OpcTranslatePathResultCollection class which contains the target identifiers the paths were translated to through the commands specified; together with information about the outcome of each processed command.



The commands sequence or one of its items is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


The translate path service is currently not supported, especially using the commands specified.


The service execution failed upon different circumstances; for more details see exception details. The following issues can lead to that exception: BadNothingToDo and BadTooManyOperations.


Known results for the commands specified are:

Status Description
BadNodeIdInvalid For more details see BadNodeIdInvalid.
BadNodeIdUnknown For more details see BadNodeIdUnknown.
BadNothingToDo This code indicates that the relativePath contained an empty list.
BadBrowseNameInvalid This code indicates that a TargetName was missing in a RelativePath.
UncertainReferenceOutOfServer The path element has targets which are in another server.
BadTooManyMatches The requested operation has too many matches to return. Users should use queries for large result sets. Servers should allow at least 10 matches before returning this error code.
BadQueryTooComplex The requested operation requires too many resources in the server.
BadNoMatch The requested relativePath cannot be resolved to a target to return.


Translates one or more paths starting from one or more dedicated nodes using the specified commands.


OpcTranslatePathResultCollection TranslatePaths(params OpcTranslatePath[] commands)


commands OpcTranslatePath[]

An array of OpcTranslatePath instances to process.



An instance of the OpcTranslatePathResultCollection class which contains the target identifiers the paths were translated to through the commands specified; together with information about the outcome of each processed command.



The commands sequence or one of its items is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


The translate path service is currently not supported, especially using the commands specified.


The service execution failed upon different circumstances; for more details see exception details. The following issues can lead to that exception: BadNothingToDo and BadTooManyOperations.


Known results for the commands specified are:

Status Description
BadNodeIdInvalid For more details see BadNodeIdInvalid.
BadNodeIdUnknown For more details see BadNodeIdUnknown.
BadNothingToDo This code indicates that the relativePath contained an empty list.
BadBrowseNameInvalid This code indicates that a TargetName was missing in a RelativePath.
UncertainReferenceOutOfServer The path element has targets which are in another server.
BadTooManyMatches The requested operation has too many matches to return. Users should use queries for large result sets. Servers should allow at least 10 matches before returning this error code.
BadQueryTooComplex The requested operation requires too many resources in the server.
BadNoMatch The requested relativePath cannot be resolved to a target to return.