OpcDataTypeDescriptionNodeInfo Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx.Client
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides properties and methods for the examination of the attributes and references of a node which is classified as Variable and is of the type DataTypeDescriptionId.


public class OpcDataTypeDescriptionNodeInfo : OpcVariableNodeInfo, IOpcNodeInfo

Inheritance ObjectOpcNodeInfoOpcInstanceNodeInfoOpcVariableNodeInfo › OpcDataTypeDescriptionNodeInfo

Implements IOpcNodeInfo

Name Description
AccessLevel Gets the value of the AccessLevel attribute of the variable node represented.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
ArrayDimensions Gets the length for each dimension of an array value of the variable node represented.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
ArrayLength Gets the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the array value of the variable node represented.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
ArrayRank Gets the rank (number of dimensions) of the array value of the variable node represented. For example, a one-dimensional array returns 1, a two-dimensional array returns 2, and so on.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
Category Gets the classification of the node using one of the predefined categories.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Context Gets the browse setup and context to use to inspect the node, its attributes and its relationships to other nodes.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
DataType Gets the OpcTypeNodeInfo about the data type node of the variable node represented.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
DataTypeId Gets the OpcNodeId about the data type node of the variable node represented.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
DisplayName Gets the value of the DisplayNameOpcAttribute which defines the localizable name of the node.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
IsArray Gets a value indicating whether the value of the variable represented is an array.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
IsHistorizing Gets a value indicating whether the server is actively collecting data for the history of the variable node represented.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
Name Gets the nominal information of the node represented.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
NodeId Gets the node identifier of the node represented.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Reference Gets the description of the node reference through that the node represented and examined has been located.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
TypeDefinition Gets the OpcTypeNodeInfo about the type definition node of the instance node represented.
(Inherited from OpcInstanceNodeInfo)
TypeDefinitionId Gets the OpcNodeId about the type definition node of the instance node represented.
(Inherited from OpcInstanceNodeInfo)
UserAccessLevel Gets the value of the UserAccessLevel attribute of the variable node represented.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
UserWriteAccess Gets a mask that indicates which attributes are writable by the current user of the client of a node taking user access rights into account.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
Value Gets the value of the data type description node represented.
WriteAccess Gets a mask that indicates which attributes are generally writable through the server not taking user access rights into account.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
Name Description
Attribute(OpcAttribute) Retrieves the OpcAttributeInfo of the node that has the specified OpcAttribute identifier.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Attribute(String) Retrieves the OpcAttributeInfo of the node that is known using the specified browseName.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Attributes Retrieves for each OpcAttribute identifier the according OpcAttributeInfo of the node.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Attributes(IEnumerable) Retrieves for each OpcAttribute identifier specified by attributes the according OpcAttributeInfo of the node.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Attributes(IEnumerable) Retrieves the OpcAttributeInfo of the node that is known using the specified browseNames.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Attributes(OpcAttribute) Retrieves for each OpcAttribute identifier specified by attributes the according OpcAttributeInfo of the node.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Attributes(String) Retrieves the OpcAttributeInfo of the node that is known using the specified browseNames.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
AttributeValue(OpcAttribute) Retrieves the value of the attribute specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
AttributeValue``1(OpcAttribute) Retrieves the value of the attribute specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Child(String) Retrieves the OpcNodeInfo of the child node that is known using the specified name of the node.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Children Retrieves for each child node of the node represented the according OpcNodeInfo.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Children(OpcNodeCategory) Retrieves for each child node of the category specified of the node represented the according OpcNodeInfo.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Children(OpcReferenceType) Retrieves for each child node referenced using the referenceType specified the according OpcNodeInfo.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
GetArrayLength(Int32) Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the number of elements in the specified dimension of the array value of the variable node.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
GetArrayLowerBound(Int32) Gets the index of the first element of the specified dimension in the array value of the variable node.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
GetArrayUpperBound(Int32) Gets the index of the last element of the specified dimension in the array value of the variable node.
(Inherited from OpcVariableNodeInfo)
Parent(String) Retrieves the OpcNodeInfo of the parent node that is known using the specified name of the node.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Parents Retrieves for each parent node of the node represented the according OpcNodeInfo.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Parents(OpcNodeCategory) Retrieves for each parent node of the category specified of the node represented the according OpcNodeInfo.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)
Parents(OpcReferenceType) Retrieves for each parent node referenced using the referenceType specified the according OpcNodeInfo.
(Inherited from OpcNodeInfo)