OpcHistoryValue Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll


public class OpcHistoryValue : OpcValue, IFormattable, IComparable, IComparable<OpcValue>, IEquatable<OpcValue>

Inheritance ObjectOpcValue › OpcHistoryValue


Implements IFormattable, IComparable, IComparable<OpcValue>, IEquatable<OpcValue>

Name Description
DataType Gets the type of value represented.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
DataTypeId Gets the node identifier of the DataType of the value represented.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
Rank Gets the rank of the value represented.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
ServerPicoseconds Gets or sets the difference between a high resolution timestamp with a resolution of 10 picoseconds and the ServerTimestamp which only has a 100 ns resolution.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
ServerTimestamp Gets or sets the timestamp at which the server recorded the value.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
SourcePicoseconds Gets or sets the difference between a high resolution timestamp with a resolution of 10 picoseconds and the SourceTimestamp which only has a 100 ns resolution.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
SourceTimestamp Gets or sets the timestamp of the source from that the value originates.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
Status Gets the status information which defines the servers ability to access/provide the value.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
Value Gets or sets the value represented.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
Name Description
As``1(0) Retrieves the underlying Value as the type specified by T.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
AsValue``1 Retrieves a new OpcValue´1 instance its Value is of the type specified by T.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
CompareTo(Object) Compares the current OpcValue with the other.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
CompareTo(OpcHistoryValue) Compares the current OpcHistoryValue with another OpcHistoryValue.
CompareTo(OpcValue) Compares the current OpcValue with another OpcValue.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
CreateModified(OpcHistoryModificationInfo, Object)
CreateModified(OpcHistoryModificationType, String)
CreateModified(OpcHistoryModificationType, String, DateTime)
CreateModified(OpcHistoryModificationType, String, DateTime, Object)
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcHistoryValue.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcValue.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
Equals(OpcHistoryValue) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcHistoryValue.
Equals(OpcValue) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcValue.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
GetHashCode Retrieves a hash code for this OpcHistoryValue.
GetHashCode Retrieves a hash code for this OpcValue.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
ToString Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
ToString(String, IFormatProvider)
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
Name Description
op_Equality(OpcHistoryValue, OpcHistoryValue) Returns a value indicating whether two instance of OpcHistoryValue are equal.
op_Equality(OpcValue, OpcValue) Returns a value indicating whether two instance of OpcValue are equal.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Explicit(Ua.DataValue) Converts a OpcValue to an DataValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_GreaterThan(OpcHistoryValue, OpcHistoryValue) Determines whether the first specified OpcHistoryValue object is greater than the second specified OpcHistoryValue object.
op_GreaterThan(OpcValue, OpcValue) Determines whether the first specified OpcValue object is greater than the second specified OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_GreaterThanOrEqual(OpcHistoryValue, OpcHistoryValue) Determines whether the first specified OpcHistoryValue object is greater than or equal to the second specified OpcHistoryValue object.
op_GreaterThanOrEqual(OpcValue, OpcValue) Determines whether the first specified OpcValue object is greater than or equal to the second specified OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a Boolean to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a Byte to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a Char to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(DataValue)~Opc.UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a DataValue to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a Decimal to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a Double to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a UInt16 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a Int32 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a UInt64 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able Boolean to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able Byte to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able Char to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able Decimal to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able Double to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able UInt16 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able Int32 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able UInt64 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able SByte to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able Single to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able UInt16 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able UInt32 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Nullable) Converts a null-able UInt64 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a SByte to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a Single to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a String to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a UInt16 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a UInt32 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a UInt64 to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Implicit(Variant)~Opc.UaFx.OpcValue) Converts a Variant to an OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_Inequality(OpcHistoryValue, OpcHistoryValue) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of OpcHistoryValue are not equal.
op_Inequality(OpcValue, OpcValue) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of OpcValue are not equal.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_LessThan(OpcHistoryValue, OpcHistoryValue) Determines whether the first specified OpcHistoryValue object is less than the second specified OpcHistoryValue object.
op_LessThan(OpcValue, OpcValue) Determines whether the first specified OpcValue object is less than the second specified OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)
op_LessThanOrEqual(OpcHistoryValue, OpcHistoryValue) Determines whether the first specified OpcHistoryValue object is less than or equal to the second OpcHistoryValue object.
op_LessThanOrEqual(OpcValue, OpcValue) Determines whether the first specified OpcValue object is less than or equal to the second OpcValue object.
(Inherited from OpcValue)