OpcObjectTypes.OpcServer.OpcDiagnostics Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll


public class OpcDiagnostics : OpcNodeId, IEquatable<OpcNodeId>, IComparable, IComparable<OpcNodeId>

Inheritance ObjectOpcNodeId › OpcObjectTypes.OpcServer.OpcDiagnostics

Implements IEquatable<OpcNodeId>, IComparable, IComparable<OpcNodeId>

Name Description
DefaultSeparator Defines the character which is used to separate parent-child related node identifiers from each other when constructing a parent-child related node identifier using Of(OpcName, OpcNodeId).
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
DefaultSeparatorOfPath Defines the character which is used to separate node-component-node related node identifiers form each other when constructing a node-component-node related node identifier using WithPath(OpcNamePath).
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Name Description
Factory Gets or sets the globally used OpcNodeIdFactory to generate new instances of the OpcNodeId class.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
IsAbsolute Gets a value indicating whether the identifier is an absolute one.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
IsNull Gets a value indicating whether the node identifier is a null identifier.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Namespace Gets the OpcNamespace used by the OpcNodeId to describe the namespace to that the node identifier belongs.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
NamespaceIndex Gets the index of the namespace that this identifier belongs.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
NamespaceUri Gets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the namespace referred by the NamespaceIndex.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Null Gets the default null node identifier.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
OriginalFormat Gets the original format of the node identifier from that the instance was constructed.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
OriginalString Gets the original node identifier string that was passed to the Parse(String) method.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Path Gets the path portion of the Value which refers to the logical (= physically not available in the address space) portion of the identifier.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Type Gets the type of Value used to define the identifier.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Value Gets the Type dependent value of the identifier represented.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
ValueAsString Gets the Value formatted as a String.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Name Description
CompareTo(Object) Compares the current OpcNodeId with the other.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
CompareTo(OpcNodeId) Compares the current OpcNodeId with another OpcNodeId.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcNodeId.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Equals(OpcNodeId) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this OpcNodeId.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Equals(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Determines whether two specified OpcNodeId objects are equals.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Equals(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeIdComparison) Determines whether two specified OpcNodeId objects are equals according to a specific comparison method.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Equals(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeIdComparison) Determines whether the specified OpcNodeId object is equals to this instance according to a specific comparison method.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
ExcludePath Retrieves a new OpcNodeId there its Value not longer contains any Path information.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
GetHashCode Retrieves a hash code for this OpcNodeId.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
IsNullOrEmpty(OpcNodeId) Indicates whether the specified OpcNodeId is null or its Value is null, default or an empty string (“”).
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Of(OpcName) Creates a new OpcNodeId instance from the name specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Of(OpcName, OpcNodeId) Creates a new parent-child related OpcNodeId instance from the name and parentNodeId specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Of(OpcName, OpcNodeId, Char) Creates a new parent-child related OpcNodeId instance from the name and parentNodeId specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Parse(String) Converts a node identifier string to a OpcNodeId instance.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Resolve(IOpcNamespaceResolver) Resolves this node identifier to a new node identifier its Namespace might be known in the context of the resolver object specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
ToString Returns a string representing the node identifier.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
ToString(OpcNodeIdFormat) Returns a string representing the node identifier in the format specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
TryParse(String, OpcNodeId@) Determines whether a string is a valid node identifier.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
UriIdentifier(OpcNodeId) Retrieves the Value of the nodeId as an Uri.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
WithPath(OpcName) Defines a new OpcNodeId using the Value, Namespace and Path of this OpcNodeId by combining this Path with the pathElements specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
WithPath(OpcNamePath) Defines a new OpcNodeId using the Value, Namespace and Path of this OpcNodeId by combining this Path with the path specified.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
Name Description
op_Equality(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Returns a value indicating whether two instance of OpcNodeId are equal.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_Explicit(Ua.ExpandedNodeId) Converts a OpcNodeId to an ExpandedNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_Explicit(Ua.NodeId) Converts a OpcNodeId to an NodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_GreaterThan(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Determines whether the first specified OpcNodeId object is greater than the second specified OpcNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_GreaterThanOrEqual(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Determines whether the first specified OpcNodeId object is greater than or equal to the second specified OpcNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_Implicit(ExpandedNodeId)~Opc.UaFx.OpcNodeId) Converts a ExpandedNodeId to an OpcNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcNodeId) Converts a Int32 to an OpcNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_Implicit(NodeId)~Opc.UaFx.OpcNodeId) Converts a NodeId to an OpcNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_Implicit(UaFx.OpcNodeId) Converts a String to an OpcNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_Inequality(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of OpcNodeId are not equal.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_LessThan(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Determines whether the first specified OpcNodeId object is less than the second specified OpcNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)
op_LessThanOrEqual(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Determines whether the first specified OpcNodeId object is less than or equal to the second OpcNodeId object.
(Inherited from OpcNodeId)